Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

My god no.
No no no.
You do not get to delete my race and make it a quest line.
God no.

Its things like this that drive people in to hating high elf fans.
Do not be scared my smurf brother in ears, it was just an idea, not what i would like to be.

my best idea is :

For me the better way is :

  1. rebuilt left side of Silvermoon
  2. making Left + Right sides non-hostile for BE/VE/HE
  3. Delete BE/VE characters creation
  4. New Race neutral creation : HE
    Works like panda, level 10, 3 options :

Stay HE or become VE and be alliance (HE/VE), or go BE then Horde

  1. Make left side non hostile for all others alliance race, hostile in right side
    Make right side non hostile for all others horde race but hostile in left side

HE : New king or/and queen, or Vereesa Windrunner
BE : Lorthemar
VE : Alleria Windrunner

It can be funny and interesting :

Left side leaded by the HE crown or/and a windrunner sister with the other windrunner sister (VE) as ally

Right side, fel addicts, non crown leaded and with no windrunner sister

HE paladins order vs Blood Knight Paladin order rivalry

You don’t get it. These people don’t want High Elves as their own race. They want High Elves as blood elves.

Back before velfs I made a prediction. It was about people getting the elf model under some other form, I think it was half elf. I said that if they do this, they’ll just demand more and more, another piece of the belfs until they start demanding Silvermoon. And here we are.

Void elves were the wrong answer to a group of very unreasonable people who won’t start crying util they take belfs away from the Horde and paint them 100% blue. So let’s say that this idiotic notion that Silvermoon becomes neutral (it won’t) comes true. What do you think is next? Silence? Like the silence there was when they got the belf model, or the silence that came after the belf cusomization opinions were given to velfs? No, they are gonna demand Silvermoon becomes theirs because these people don’t just want High Elves, they want belfs removed from their identity so they can take their place and that is just dumb.

You don’t get it. These people don’t want High Elves as their own race. They want High Elves as blood elves.

I m not one of these.

As a holy priest i like to save and heal people, not to destroy and kill and even worst : make a genocid.

Smoke or eat fel crystal is very bad, just my advise. But i dont want to claim that BE or VE must be genocided by retconing

damn it Silvermoon and Quel thalas, be/ve/he topics is quiet going to look like Israel and Palestine conflict o__o





Honestly that would be pretty neat.

Ideally for me, if the High Elves were to make their own group OR if the Void Elves and Silver Covenant and Highvale join together or something like that I’d love to see them do the following:

The Void Elves build up the Telogrus Rift and live there, the Silver Covenant makes themselves an enclave finally in Stormwind and the Highvale build up their home (setting it up to have leadership from all three groups working together) they’d make for a very interesting group within the Alliance overall. Keeping their different aesthetics and lore and even having some interactions over that would be so cool.

Keeping their full force allocated to the setup around the Highvale would give them a close-ish area to stage their aid to help defend Quel’Thalas as well.

Not according to your list.

The idea that the Blood Elves should lose their blue eyes, or that “high Elves” don’t exist in the Horde and even more ridiculous that Silvermoon is going to somehow switch sides is anathema to much of what I support.

I play Void Elves and love them for sure and I support High Elves for the Alliance, but I am also a Blood Elf player and care greatly for their story.

(I’d rather that story get a bit more bite like they had at the beginning of TBC but I digress)

This. Its ridiculous baiting and it needs to stop.

Ask for the things that you actually reasonably want and don’t go overboard for “clicks”.

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What you think your helfs are so holy? Please, their entire existance in WoW has been as an anti-belf device. Basically when the belfs were invovled in something, the high elves would show up going “GRRRR I HATE BELFS FOR NO REASON I WANT TO GENOCIDE THEM, LOOK AT ME ALLIANCE IM TOTALLY SO BLUE”.

Vareesa, who represents the helfs since they haven’t bothered to develop any other helf, which is good in my opinion, should be executed for what she did in Dalaran if she shows her anti-belf rear anywhere around Silvermoon.

Your helfs are murderous deviants who made humans their sugar daddies.

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70 Undead Hunter



I ve no hate and no will to genocide my poor fel addicts brother in ears.

English do you speak it ? M…

I could be posting on Arthas and it wouldn’t make anything I said less true.

But equality doesn’t provide a good story.

Unequal are what creates story, creates some “meat” and can actually develop. Yes, High Elves moving far from Quel’Thalas to Northrend is a good move for independent High Elf lore. It’s not shared, it’s their own thing.

I’m a High Elf supporter, but I would never support this. It’s why many high elf fans don’t believe that I am a High Elf supporter, because I want the race to be independent. I want them on their own, just like every other race in the game. If they aren’t on their own - you might as well rename them to Pity Elves…Pity’dorei.

Possible, but Highvale Elves swore off magic. I fear they are just a poor man’s night elf.

At least in Crystalsong, you have the ancient arcane city of Shandaral restored. You always have a need for Farstrider defenders and Priests of the Light.
I’m sceptical about High Elf Paladins, since High Elf Priests were a pretty niche thing as many took to either Sylvanas’ army or Bel’ovir’s school. The Priesthood of the Light was always quite small.

For me, Shandaral is just a perfect candidate for the High Elves. You have that current and modern High Elf lore, but in an ancient Highborne city. Since current Highborne are also Alliance, it’s a nice link between the two.

Your helfs are murderous deviants who made humans their sugar daddies)

High Elves did they part during 2nd war.

murdering evil trolls, orcs and stuff is not deviant and HE did they part.

So i let the sugar mommy concept for Sylvannas, a former HE, not BE, between forsaken and her. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Forsaken who are former… humans :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Sylvanas doesn’t consider herself a former Quel’dorei. It was on her orders that the High Elf Rangers of the EPL were attacked by the Forsaken in Vanilla WoW.

Sylvanas and folks like Velonara will always work between Forsaken and Sin’dorei. Not the Quel’dorei and that is how it should be. They are both Horde/Horde leaning and that should remain. Alliance shouldn’t have much involvement with Sylvanas’ lore development.

I dont think that when Sylvannas was alive she didnt considered herself as a HE

Point is, you rip on belfs for doing something to save themselves, like going for green demon magic. You rip on forsaken for caring out their own place in the world despite everyone trying to kill them. But the moment things got hard for your helfs they ran to human daddies. But hey, in World of Warcraft helfs were always a bad joke.

She considers herself as former ranger general of Silvermoon.

She held more relation to the Sin’dorei, post Third War and during TBC than she did after death and prior to the Forsaken being allowed entry into the Ghostlands.
You can’t ignore the fact that Sylvanas sent Forsaken Soldiers to cull the High Elves of the Eastern Plaguelands. That’s not a conjecture. That’s a fact.

She considers herself as former ranger general of Silvermoon.

which is a HE city when she was alive.

You can’t ignore the fact that Sylvanas sent Forsaken Soldiers to cull the High Elves of the Eastern Plaguelands. That’s not a conjecture. That’s a fact.

Honestly i dont like the dead sylvannas i consider this character was/is so paradoxal and not well build by blizzard.

Alive → Dead → arthas’s pet → TFT war3 : Free, so with her freewill → independant, strong personnality → Shadowlands “Oh i m sorry i didnt realize what i did :cry: i was manipulated…”


so with deep honesty, sylvannas is not a good argument for pro or against everything

end fact is :

Left side of Silvermoon is not occupied, HE can have it and sing Kumbaya with right side
neighbors blood elves


and the left side is smaller than the right one, so blood elves dont have to be jealous and we can both go to sunwell and enjoying those lands.

Swore off Arcane magic. They still practice nature magic just fine with the whole Ranger format, been working with Wildhammer dwarves which opens the door for Shaman for them which is cool (And if Blizz ever goes with Wildhammer Druids maybe druid?) and the Draenei have been working with them for the Light, so priests and paladins right there.

Highvale have a lot of potential. Thinking of how they’d react to the Purge of Dalaran and how they might have some issues with the SC’s methods and definitely be wary of the void elves.

Bring in the Highvale and the SC and the Void Elves together and watch the stories write themselves.

I mean you’re the one worried about a poor mans Night Elf. :stuck_out_tongue: Having them take over an old Night Elf city would definitely push that more.

You need only pay attention from Wrath onward, heck by Legion they’re a regular race among the paladin order hall troops you can make.

Its very clear that the use of the Light has increased among high elves over time.

I think its a great candidate for specifically the Silver Covenant as they already have a base there and lorewise its supposed to be somewhat of a main command area.

Its just kinda far from anything I think the High Elves would actually care greatly about though.

Well, what you like and don’t like has no bearing. Sylvanas is more well known for being the Queen of the Forsaken.

WoTLK Sylvanas is thought very fondly of.

Silvermoon will never be your city. Each time we tried to be nice you killed more blood elves.

Forsaken are undead so what are they or what they think or whatever doesnt matter.

They are like demons, then they need to be eliminated.

I absolutely hate Vulps (like many people :dracthyr_hehe_animated: ) but what they think, like, opinions or political things, etc MATTERS

When, What, How? Who ?

I don’t kill anyone except undeads, demon and mobs in mm+ donjon at certain key level (or members will ll kick my butt… ) :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

And Sylvanas is associated with those Undead. She’s not Alliance and shouldn’t have any lore revolving around the Alliance fanbase.

I do not care for how people “feel” about certain things. Feelings are irrelevant to me. I care for fact.