Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

18/05/2018 19:05Posted by Alyssa
18/05/2018 19:03Posted by Moritz
Just so you know talking about that is banable so I would avoid that certain real life topic

Not changing the topic, just pointing out that blaming many for the actions of a few is not uncommon.

I didn't mean changing the topic.
I meant talking about a certain real life PvP thing in the 20th century is against the rules.
I know from personal experience when I got banned.
this is what they said when I appealed.
"Any type of reference to WW2 is not permitted on forums and in our games. "
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Not changing the topic, just pointing out that blaming many for the actions of a few is not uncommon.

I didn't mean changing the topic.
I meant talking about a certain real life PvP thing in the 20th century is against the rules.
I know from personal experience when I got banned.
this is what they said when I appealed.
"Any type of reference to WW2 is not permitted on forums and in our games. "

Huh.. They might want to add that to the CoC then, as it's not in there.
18/05/2018 19:12Posted by Alyssa
18/05/2018 19:10Posted by Moritz
I didn't mean changing the topic.
I meant talking about a certain real life PvP thing in the 20th century is against the rules.
I know from personal experience when I got banned.
this is what they said when I appealed.
"Any type of reference to WW2 is not permitted on forums and in our games. "

Huh.. They might want to add that to the CoC then, as it's not in there.

its in "otherwise objectionable"
I said that to them too and they said:
"We appreciate your suggestion for making the Code of Conduct more specific, and if such decision will be made, it will certainly happen."
18/05/2018 19:14Posted by Moritz
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Huh.. They might want to add that to the CoC then, as it's not in there.

its in "otherwise objectionable"
I said that to them too and they said:
"We appreciate your suggestion for making the Code of Conduct more specific, and if such decision will be made, it will certainly happen."

Banning people for something that is not specifically mentioned in the CoC seems harsh :P

But who am I to argue with the multi-billion dollar company..
Edited the original post..
its in "otherwise objectionable"
I said that to them too and they said:
"We appreciate your suggestion for making the Code of Conduct more specific, and if such decision will be made, it will certainly happen."

Banning people for something that is not specifically mentioned in the CoC seems harsh :P

But who am I to argue with the multi-billion dollar company..
Edited the original post..

And I've edited my post to not include that quote part :)
18/05/2018 18:50Posted by Meleron
Why in the world do you people still think, that the small 10% of which a large part have died over span of several years (Several expansions) would have face markings and tattooes while the vast majority, the vast 90% does not?

If there are 1000 High Elves there are less than 8000 Blood Elves. Kael took tons to Outlands and the ones who defected from Kael now reside in Shattrath as an unaligned force. This is assuming that all those Blood Elves that have died in the various wars all had immortal souls and could resurrect from the dead like Illidan.
As for High Elves dying most of them reside in Dalaran which is basically the safest place on Azeroth nowadays. Theramore was evacuated before it got bombed saving Jaina's High Elf followers.

That said High Elf tattoos are a step too far in my opinion. Blue glow or non-glowing eyes. New voice lines. Altered animations especially the resting pose. New racials. Perhaps some human hairstyles. That's pretty much all that is needed for those of us who don't want to play Horde or Fel/Void High Elves. Alleria is basically the only tattooed High Elf we have seen and it's more likely that she had some specific reason to do it rather than it's something common among High Elves.
I think this thread/topic would be better of closed right now, to be honest. In the last thread there was just a lot of toxicity.
I seriously don't know how you've managed to interpret my comment to turning void elves into playable enemies.

By implying that they are not to be trusted because they can go mad you are basically saying that no? If not then why have any doubts about anythung Umbric says?

Lorewise, forsakens are slowly rotting and replace body parts to prevent disappearing entirely, yet we don't see the progress of rotting nor replacing body parts, because of gameplay reasons.

We don't see humans or anyone eat for that matter. A human character doesn't have to eat in the game but we can assume it happens, just like we can assume that the forsaken replace their bodyparts.
That does not in any way mean we can assume void elves are slowly going crazy and losing control, we don't have any indication of that. Maybe we'll see something int he future, but it will never be some big thing that happens to all or even the majority of them for gameplay reasons.

Lorewise, shadow priests are hearing whispers from the void and are eventually driven mad, yet we don't see that because of gameplay reasons.

We do kind of see that since shadow priests kill themselves regularily in the game, but they're also not a faction. You can't show something happening to the player alone.

Void elves also hear whispers from the void and unless they either learn to master the void (read: better than Alleria can at the moment) or somehow get rid of their void infusion, they are doomed with the same fate as shadow priests. But we will never see that because of gameplay reasons.

Are you saying the faction will one day all go crazy, but you the player will still walk around as the only void elf left? Or are you saying it's so far in the future that we'll never see it anyway?
I don't think it's camparable at all really. The void elves are designed to be different from shadow priest. A shadow priest can't control anything, they're just using it. If anything, a void elf will not eventually go crazy, they will eventually go ethereal like other creatures eventually supposedly did. Thats my udnerstanding of it atleast.
That is something I'm all for, imagine Ethereals as an allied race. The Alliance would get the void ones because void elves, and the Horde would get the arcane ones because Ley Lines. Wishfull thinking, but it sounds awesome.

As I've said in my earlier comment, High Elven leadership (Vereesa in particular) are most likely heavily fed anti Blood Elf propaganda by Kirin Tor to the point of seeing their kin as an enemy.

And what makes you think they don't just have the same opinion as her?

That's your opinion. Is that interesting because you hope it might be a gateway for playable High Elves in alliance?

They're already in the Alliance.

No, Garrosh. Blaming all members of the horde for the decisions of the warchief is nonsense.

He was the leader of the Horde at the time. And I doubt they blame the Tauren for it, but the leader of the Horde and the blood elves were directly involved, so it's not weird they get blamed too.
I'm not saying they should get blamed, we sit here with gods view of the situation, the characters don't.

Why would Lor'themar want to join the faction whose backbone is the kingdom that had Kael'thas imprisoned in Dalaran, then had the single most racist general in the entire kingdom assigned to have them systematically killed (or at least attempted to do so) ? Any Blood Elf (as well as High Elf) who is familiar with the events that took place after defilement of the Sunwell has all the reasons in the world to distrust humans. Lor'themar considered joining the Alliance only because Garrosh had become a bigger threat to their existance by then.

Garithos was the Leader of the Remnants of Lordaeron. Just like you say the first Horde had nothing to do with this Horde, Garithos had nothing to do with this Alliance. Actually, Sylvanas turned most of Garithos's men into forsaken, meaning that those racist people are now in the current Horde.
What reason other than a now forsaken group of remnants did Lor'themar have to not join the Alliance?

Garrosh could easily accuse Silvermoon of treason had they chose not to cooperate. Orcs greatly outnumber Blood Elves (and any other race on horde, for that matter) and orcish forces alone would've razed Silvermoon, due to sheer numbers if nothing else. Tauren would most likely get pissed. Trolls? Perhaps they too would be. But I don't see either crossing the ocean to stop Garrosh's forces on Silvermoon. Forsaken would've known that they'd be the next if they acted, so they'd stay still as well.

I doubt the Tauren would get pissed at all. But all that is just versus the blood elves. If the Blood Elves had joiend the Alliance they would have had the backing of the Alliance forces and likely the Darkspear temporarily. Garrosh wouldn't stand a chance, and neither would the Forsaken if they stood in the way.

18/05/2018 18:47Posted by Feldaril
No they don't. In fact, I'm pretty sure that High Elf civillians don't hate their Blood Elven kin, Half Elves who are part Silver Covenant are the only ones that hate Blood Elves because they are personally invested.

Thats pure head-canon.

18/05/2018 18:47Posted by Feldaril
What makes you think the Silver Covenant is a full army? It's a medium sized strike force at best. We don't even know if High Elves outnumber Void Elves at the moment, but they definitely a minority compared to Blood Elves.

In Suramar they are described in text as being there with an army. And we know that they outnumber the void elves, the void elves are a literal team, they're a small group living in tents. The high elves populate alot of Dalaran, they populate a fort/town/garrison in outland, and they populate the Quel'danil lodge, on top of that they are spread all over the place.
Blizzard can't hope to say they're fewer than the void elves because everything int he game goes against it.

18/05/2018 18:47Posted by Feldaril
You do realize that Blood Elves are High Elves, right?

No, theres a quite obvious difference. Just like there is between void elves and blood elves. All their biology is very simular, but thats the same with green and brown orcs aswell, same with lightforged and draenei, same with highmountain and normal tauren.

18/05/2018 18:50Posted by Meleron
I would just like to remind people that 90% of the High Elven survivors from the scourge invasion are calling themselves Blood Elves now.

Thats not what this thread is about though. It's about the other 10%.

18/05/2018 18:50Posted by Meleron
It is very important to remember that they were all, despite current alligiances, not many years ago (For an elf) lived side by side, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend etc etc, all lived and shared the same land, city, houses, food, sunwell and so on. They were all a part of the same army, the same council, all that crap.

No one is saying anything els, though some, likely most of those who remained high elves, did already live outside of Quel'thalas. Dalaran was already populated by alot of high elves before the blood elves existed for example.

18/05/2018 18:50Posted by Meleron
Why in the world do you people still think, that the small 10% of which a large part have died over span of several years (Several expansions) would have face markings and tattooes while the vast majority, the vast 90% does not?

Because they have always had it, the game just didn't support it when the blood elves were made playable.
Now the game does support it though, meaning they should get it.
Why in the world would they suddenly stop using war paint when they have done so for hundereds of years at least?
I think you're mistaking "High Elves should get war paint because they've always had it" with "Give high elves war paint and make sure to never give it to blood elves."
Just because high elves, a new edition to the game so reap the denefits of the new toys in the game, does not mean the blood elves won't eventually.

I don't get why so many are trying to make this thread about what new stuff to give to blood elves when it's a thread about high elves?
If high elves don't interest you, but new stuff for the blood elves do, then make a thread about giving new stuff to the current races, don't try to act against other peoples wishes and opinions just for the sake of "If I can't have it then no one should."

18/05/2018 18:50Posted by Meleron
What in hell are you actually thinking?

I know right? Why wouldn't high elves have something in 2018 that they had in 1995? It's crazy man.
18/05/2018 20:08Posted by Valarìel
I think this thread/topic would be better of closed right now, to be honest. In the last thread there was just a lot of toxicity.

Luckily the forums don't work that way. If that was the case then people could just spam toxic stuff to get a thread they didn't like banned. Thats censorship so I'm glad they don't close perfectly fine threads just for that. They can always hide posts and bann people, punishing the thread is just doing so that the toxic people win unless the OP is the toxic one, which isn't the case here.
No, Garrosh. Blaming all members of the horde for the decisions of the warchief is nonsense.

You mean, like blaming all members of the alliance for the decisions of one general who didn't even represent the entire faction and led a small group of survivors? That's a similar nonsence.
18/05/2018 20:08Posted by Valarìel
I think this thread/topic would be better of closed right now, to be honest. In the last thread there was just a lot of toxicity.

Lasts nights convo lead to me making concept art.
Surely that goes to show not everything here is toxic
18/05/2018 20:20Posted by Итилион
You mean, like blaming all members of the alliance for the decisions of one general who didn't even represent the entire faction and led a small group of survivors? That's a similar nonsence.

Nope but we can blame or at least judge the other Kirin Tor surviving human mages and archmages that were there and haven't lifted a single finger or said a single word to defend the elves that Garithos wanted to hang.
What about you? Why haven't you rerolled / race changed / deleted your character? There isn't supposed to be that many Night Elves either?

It' quite simple :) As I wrote my opinion: Player numbers don't reflect lore numbers.
So I guess. I don't care :)

Again its an invalid argument. And a quite stupid one if You ask me.
Imagine a company who develops a game with several different races. They allocate money and resources to create those races with all the graphics stuff and fluff.
Then somebody comes and says only a handful paying customers will be able to play these races because according to lore there aren't many members of the specific race.
The company's efforts would have never been paid. They might as well shoot themselves into their legs...

Wow is a themepark MMO. Not a realistic simulator....
18/05/2018 21:13Posted by Dudas
Nope but we can blame or at least judge the other Kirin Tor surviving human mages and archmages that were there and haven't lifted a single finger or said a single word to defend the elves that Garithos wanted to hang.

No one knows what the Kirin Tor mages did. The only thing we know is the bit said by Rommath that accused Kirin Tor of doing nothing. But since he wasn't a member of the counsil, he couldn't know their intentions, whatever they may be. While Kael was a member of the Six. It would be logical to guess that they wouldn't allow execution of one of their own leaders. Not to mentions that as any other mage, he could've teleported away at will, along with his entire retinue. That's just a guess though. You never know what the story team makes up, there is a lot of plot holes as-is.
18/05/2018 20:40Posted by Moritz
18/05/2018 20:08Posted by Valarìel
I think this thread/topic would be better of closed right now, to be honest. In the last thread there was just a lot of toxicity.

Lasts nights convo lead to me making concept art.
Surely that goes to show not everything here is toxic

Oh that's awesome!
You got a picture of the concept art you made? I love to see what people can come up with.
18/05/2018 21:13Posted by Dudas
18/05/2018 20:20Posted by Итилион
You mean, like blaming all members of the alliance for the decisions of one general who didn't even represent the entire faction and led a small group of survivors? That's a similar nonsence.

Nope but we can blame or at least judge the other Kirin Tor surviving human mages and archmages that were there and haven't lifted a single finger or said a single word to defend the elves that Garithos wanted to hang.

What were they gonna do? Kill the last surviving humans in North Lordaeron? Dalaran had just been majorly junked by Archimonde, I think they had enough to think about other than how Garithos behaved. Arthas was still running around Lordaeron whiping out any human on sight after all.
Besides, why blame those alive who were in a busy position when you can blame the people that actually followed Garithos. They're forsaken after all. Everyone of them apart from Garithos himself should really be forsaken unless they have all died as forsaken.
Theres alot of nipicky nonsese one can get into with that topic lol.
Just wanted to voice my opinion about high elves.

Please no? We have enough Thalassian elves as is.
18/05/2018 21:54Posted by Valarìel
18/05/2018 20:40Posted by Moritz
Lasts nights convo lead to me making concept art.
Surely that goes to show not everything here is toxic

Oh that's awesome!
You got a picture of the concept art you made? I love to see what people can come up with.

It was only mount ideas but it's a few pages back.
I also made a version of it combined with someone else's concept art I felt when well together :)
18/05/2018 21:59Posted by Kaldryn
Just wanted to voice my opinion about high elves.

Please no? We have enough Thalassian elves as is.

We have just as many Thalassian elves as we have Darnassian elves though don't we? Or doesn't nigtborne count because they're "Shalassian"?
And don't you think we'll get a 3rd tauren and dwarf in the future? We're getting a 3rd human right around the corner, and the chances to get a 3rd troll are high.
The demand is so high for high elves so why not add another thalassian elf? It is the original thalassian elf after all. Why limit the game to just two of each?
We can all have out opinions, but I disagree, I don't think we have enough thalassian elves.
So hyped for high elves wooo!!!!