Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

You know that they already exist right?


Post got deleted


No you and your comment’s embarrassing and it’s reportable so do take a timeout. :slight_smile:

And the ren’dorei arn’t blood elves anymore they’re void elves do try to keep up with the lore and your requrest for an allied race makes no sence as they’ve never been shown but The High elves have they’re within Dalaran. :slight_smile:


Exit this thread if you’re not knowledgeable about both the Quel - Sin and Ren’dorei. You are talking out of your behind and it’s not helping the cause of the High Elves nor are you helping the cause of Anti - High Elves.

  • Quel’dorei, the children of noble birth -

His post was deleted, ban received I quess :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh lol, such troll trolled himself…


Continuing discussion

“Two more High Elves added to Stormwind. Silver Covenant Battle-mages, working as Dalaran portal keepers in the 8.1.5. Stormwind portal room.” - Legacy of Quel’thalas

Quel’dorei forces are showing more and more presence in the Battle for Azeroth. Our hope will never die.

From WoWhead: High Elven Mage Elsharin training new mages in Stormwind.


THANK YOU. THANK YOU for doing EXACTLY what I was looking for - instead of focusing on the arguments and the debate, you simply chase down people who think different than you (God knows why or what for). I had my suspicions you guys did it, especially after that time you all massively reported me and got me silenced 24 hours. Thank you SO much for showing me you do chase the dissident. I won’t tell you “you are better than that” though - I am absolutely no one to tell you what to do or how to act. So please continue with your persecution if you like. I would rather focus on the arguments, if you don’t mind.

By the way, you really think I “need” to like my own post with alts to show many people agree with my idea? Eh, you mean the idea that’s been top post for over 6 months in US, EU and other WOW forums? With thousands of replies? Yeah sure, we’re such a minority. /facepalm sure, go ahead and tell me “most of those replies come from anti-HEs” xD I already know most of your arguments (which are consistently debunked and you never bother to let it go).


Nope. Please support your arguments with facts, otherwise they’re just moot.

You want me to show you the vast majority of us want HEs because of their lore and not their looks? Please do read our posts both here and in the US forums. Alurna’s manifest is clear evidence that what we’re asking for is not a model.

You’re describing Void Elves. And yet they’re playable.

For starters, it is the Horde who stole our race. You’re welcome? (This IS a fact: kindly refer to previous posts with the link to the post where an employee from blizzard stated that the decision of making BEs a horde race was strongly based on Asian players’ desire to play a good-looking Horde race)

Considering the Alliance already has the Thalassian model (Void Elves), we wouldn’t be stealing anything from you - in any case, we’d be asking for a different version of our own Alliance race.

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Just what we need.

More elves.

Y e s. less everything, more elves. Redemption arc for Azshara, make Tyrande queen, Thalyssra queen, Sylvanas dead but queen, San’layn, half elves, wood elves, dead elves, holy elves, bat elves.

We want all that. Just 1 at a time please, thus Quel’dorei.

EDIT: this is /sarcasm before i get bombarded by the anti-high elf movement.

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We’ve just gotten another human race … so why not another elven?


Wow so many of your arguments are just made up - unless you work for Blizzard or know someone who does? You’re making claims as if you were an employee working for Blizzard.

If you are, could you please tell your Blizzard colleagues to stop taunting us with High Elves by placing a million of them everywhere we go (Alliance)? If their intention is never to implement HEs as an alliance playable race, it’s not smart to fill entire Alliance hubs with them.

Without the intention of exaggerating here, I do feel I’ve seen (in endgame content) much more High Elf npcs as an Alliance character than as a Blood Elf. Something’s DEFINITELY not ok. I acknowledge this is entirely subjective, so I might be wrong here.


Exactly this. Thank you <3

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You wish you were only bombarded by them. Luckily for us Christmas holidays are over and you won’t probably get mass reported for “trolling”.

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What are your guys opinions about this?

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That’s just to mock High Elf fans.

Thanks for acknowledging that Blizzard is aware of the demand for High Elves, so much so, they release High elves again and again to show us they acknowledge us.

Get a tissue and get ready for days of despair when the High Elves become playable.

EDIT: Also, Blizzard would never mock players, they want our money. I doubt Blizzard is in ANY position to afford even more players leaving. In fact, this is the reason why they WILL become playable.

Blizzard knows Elves have always been the most popular race-kin and will bring them a substantial amount of money in faction changes and race changes and older players returning just to play as one.

Blizzard cares about money and definitely not your feelings.


They’ve been playble for the last 12 years, since Burnin Crusade addon. Blood elves ARE HIGH ELVES, who changed their name to honor their fallen people

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