Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

Helves will happen when Activ-Blizz will need money. Because the truth is people will play helves but they won’t play Mechagnome.
I’m not a pro helves but I’d say that for the alliance population, I’d better if we got a popular race. What’s the point of making an allied race of the least popular race.


I branched the old zones question into a new thread: New content versus old zones

I’m really unsure about mechagnomes (or junker gnomes, or what they decide to call them) as an allied race. High elves would be a much better choice. Yeah, when the Horde gets vulpera, which are greatly based on goblins, the Alliance should get something that’s based on gnomes, sure… Or should they? I’ve got a better idea. How about the Alliance gets high elves? Mind blown, right? I really think it could work!

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Druids of the Nightmare have spider forms.

Because magic.

They’re not… playables? I’m not sure where you’re trying to go there.

'cause we’ve seen with orcs how well it was to age things up with magic.

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Wasn’t really going anyway, was just stating a random fact regarding spider forms.

Beats the alternative.
How ever would they make the most use of those cloning machines?

I really don’t think following orc warlock magic would be a very high elven way of approaching things. If they’re so against siphoning energy from living beings that they’re willing to be exiled over it (I know, saying they were willing to be exiled is a huge stretch), I somehow don’t think magically forcing the youth out of their riding beasts would be on their list of appropriate things to do. This aspect of warlock magic is another thing that makes me think that high elves just wouldn’t go down that path. Not in enough numbers to have that class added to their race anyway.

Teach them some chronomancy and call it a day.

Been a while I’ve checked this topic as I’ve been unsubbed for a while and came back for RP, yadi yada bfa blabla.

However since I’m back I do frequently check both EU and US forums every now and again and you know what I see highly discussed in both of them at almost all times?
High elves!
What seems to excite and/or anger people the most?
High elves!
Seeing as the so far other canditates with vulpera/sethrak, trashgnomes/trashgoblins, Jinju/fingoblins (No idea how the heck they’re spelled), I see barely discussion or hype around them other than the odd shill youtuber say “Oh, that’d be great!”…

So what do we want?
High elves!
What does Activision Blizzard want?
How does Activision Blizzard get tons of money by a loadton of race-/factionchanges?
Add High elves!

Simple math


I don’t think its a stretch, I mean they -were- willing to be Exiled over their moral stance, they could have just went “OK” and gone with the flow, so your point is plenty valid, these things are -important- to the High Elves, important enough that they are willing to undergo hardship over.

I don’t think they would be willing to artificially age riding beasts. I think Elves, of all people would find that an absolutely abhorrent act. They’re going to be very conscious of age, and years, and how advantaged they are themselves, with their lifespans, as opposed to other races/species. I think both High/Blood Elves would find the prospect of ‘stealing years’ from a creature they then wish to bond with and ride, would be horrific, as well as, well, ultimately counterproductive.

I actually like Narme’s theory, and not just because she is in my guild :smiley: It would explain a lot. In fact its the -only- explanation I have ever heard that makes any sense as to the differing mount types, and it -does- make sense… Its not going to have just been the elven population of Quel’thalas that suffered when the Scourge came, but its fauna as well. That actually makes awesome sense as to why Quel’dorei steeds are only found in the hands of those High Elves who were -not- in Quel’thalas when Arthas came.

Ehhh, I think that would still be ethically tricky for the High Elves to do. They’re still essentially stealing life from a creature, which was the very reason they were exiled, because they refused to do so.

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I -think- (from what others have said on these for a) that you don’t need a Sub to post anymore…I think. Don’t quote me on that, I’ve always kept my sub active :smiley:

Do you not find (As someone fairly ambivalent on the matter, just interested in the technicalities of how it would work) that it is largely the same people, same as this thread, on the US Forums? I mean don’t get me wrong, some cracking insights are coming out in this thread, on Racials, Heritage Armour, Mounts, Starting zones and capitals, but it is largely the same contributors (He says as a serial offender in this matter!)

Its high profile in the US, and that’s what you want, because they observe those fora much more keenly than the EU ones, but it is largely the same people, same as here.

These people lack vision, clearly they do not realise that what they want as a Horde race is playable Gnolls (I may have invested far too much thought as to how they could work/would fit).

I think by now Mecha-Gnomes are almost confirmed, aren’t they? Everyone also seems almost certain that the Horde will get Vulpera, and admittedly, the Alliance does give the Vulpera reason to ally with the Horde.
As to Jinyu, that would have been an MoP thing. Would have made sense then. Pandaren who could be either Faction, Jinyu for the Alliance, Hozen for the Horde.

I’m kinda glad they didn’t.

Got no problem with Pandaren, I think Jinyu would have been pretty cool for the Alliance, given that they are hyperevolved Murlocs, it would be really interesting to see how they react to everyone casually culling their ancestors, but as a Roleplayer, I would have hated Hozen for the Horde. Imagine it, for a few weeks the streets of Orgrimmar and Silvermoon would have been nothing but howls of “ooker” and “dooker”, and jokes about throwing excrement.
It would have been awful…
Which is a shame, they could have went with much more a ‘Planet of the Apes’ vibe (The recent film series, if you haven’t seen them, do yourself a favour and watch them, you will not regret it),
If Hozen had been like that, I would have loved them as a Horde race.

Gilblins are the ‘Fingoblins’ you’re thinking of, and, they would be awful. They add nothing to the game, and their unique feature of being aquatic, like the Jinyu, would only really work in water based zones, and I don’t think Blizz are keen to try that experiment again.

Yeah, there are the odd names you keep seeing, but quite a few new ones now and again aswell. But alas it is still a highly requested race.

As for Jinyu and Gilblins (THANK YOU!) it is confirmed that in 7.2 we will befriend some ex-naga-slave ones with the Jinyu becoming BFF with the Ayyliance and Gilblins BFF to da Hurd! Sooo… (And yes, they used the words “friends” a lot in this…)

But alas, I belive trash gnomes/goblins would be a waste and besides the initial burst of the hype of a sudden new race will very quickly tone down and once more spark discussions of new allied races of what people REALLY want :confused:

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I would certainly faction change at least one character, and probably race change a couple of more, or pay for boosts, if I got to play them as high elves. Especially high elf paladins. And I know lots of more people who would too. I know about unsubbed people who would come back full-time for high elves.

There’s definitely money in high elves, probably more than any other race that could get released.

These are the smaller points where high and blood elven cultures diverge. This is an ethical decision that defines the difference between these two Thalassian cultures. Adding that to the last decade of cultural upheaval through exile allies and wars, where the blood elves truly have evolved with the Horde, and the high elves with the Alliance, the two people are in a process of both ideologically and culturally changing, differently from one another. I’m looking forward to seeing how these developments continue for both (as well as the void elves), and how their cultures evolve.


I think that the best opposite of the High elves it’s the Naga …
this could work . Or maybe Naga wich could turn into High elf and during combat into Naga . (Like worgen) . That could solve the whole problem with the equipment.


Naga are unlikely. They’re hard to dress, and near impossible to mount. Better candidates for Horde races opposite the Alliance high elves are:
San’layn/dark rangers
Forest trolls
Blood trolls
Sand trolls
Ice trolls

What? And how would you make that work with ANY of the lore surrounding both naga and high elves. No. Just no. There are so many things wrong with that idea that I won’t even start picking it apart. It’s a hard no!

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I’m sure they’d be easier if you bought them dinner first.

Scourge 2.0 now recruiting.

Forest Trolls and Blood elves in the same faction, an atmosphere so awkward it could kill.

Garrosh tried this with his ‘Mongrel Horde’ didn’t end so well.

Already part of the Horde, just like High elves are already part of the Alliance. Would be the best comparison.

A third Tauren race? With the females have no distinguishing features at all?

Viable and most likely.

They’re pretty low in numbers now and I doubt the Ztrolls would be happy having them as allies after all the stuff in Nazmir.

They don’t like us, we don’t like them.

Are there many of these guys left?

I doubt there are that many to constitute a race, but if we have void elves, go for it. Chuck in half elves while you’re at it.

Blizzard has shown time and again that BFA doesn’t care about your pre-established lore which has been known for years. Rule of cool is all that matters.


Lucky for us, naga that turn into high elves out of combat are not cool.
sigh of relief

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if rule of cool then the next allied race will Dark Ranger

theres foreshadowing for it being cross-faction, with the new Kal’dorei Dark Rangers


Not cool to us, but Blizz may think otherwise.

Dark ranger isn’t a race though, it is a class.

or its a race with severely limited class combinations like the lightforged

dark rangers could be rogues or hunters, maybe mages

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My guess is a combination between san’layn and dark rangers, adding warriors, warlocks and maybe (hopefully) even death knights into the mix. Which would make sense if paired up with high elves, who should also, if we’re following lore, be able to be death knights.

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