Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

That is the problem, you can’t get any use of it outside of rogue or hunter as all other things don’t make sense.
War - Unlikely
Mage -High doubtful
Priest - Don’t see that happening
Warlock/Druid/Monk/Etc - You get my point?

San’layn however…

is just speculation, your opinion on the class combos is moot

i think strongly the next allied race will be dark ranger/sanlayn

though the latter would not be alliance because the alliance war campaign involves murdering them

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Or, as I suggested:

I’m not 100% sure how they’d go about merging them, but they fit each other thematically, and they fit extremely well in the Horde.

You know the Ally would be in fits about the Horde getting two allied races in one, though.

only Dark Ranger can span both factions now because of the Kal’dorei ones

but San’layn are exclusively Blood Elf and the enemy in the Alliance war campaign

also San’layn would not make any sense if they couldn’t be BLood Death Knights, so it couldn’t be a standard allied race i think

they could make another hero class but it seems highly unlikely they will make a second elf-only hero class

Kaldorei dark rangers seem to be suffering from extreme cases of Stockholm syndrome, and have gone with mommy Sylvanas and the Horde.

I’d be perfectly fine with it. They’d be joined into one, and even if the customisation options get wild and with options to choose between blood and night elven body types, ears and all, it’d still just be so right.

Kaldorei dark rangers are Horde.

High elves should also get to be death knights, so it fits.

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the Alliance just clearly will not accept vampire elves, having killed one of their leaders

what we need to understand about being raised by a Val’kyr is that your mind is not completely your own,
you are a thrall sometimes but most times that someone sides with the Forsaken it is because they saw what was beyond death and it was not nice,

in the case of the Sira and Delaryn - well, that one is super easy; their goddess, who they put thousands of years of faith into, had forsaken them,
Elune did nothing, during the burning of Tel’drassil and during their deaths

that is more than enough reason to hate Elune and view the Night elves and Alliance as idiots,
but they may have also seen the ‘end’ like Sylvanas did, or they may be controlled via the Val’kyr magic

there could be many perfectly acceptable reasons why the Kal’dorei Dark Rangers are, currently, Horde

this control could break analogous to Sylvanas’ break from the Lich King

I like to believe that the choice was their own. And if we get high elves, I’m happy to trade the night elf model in its full, though undead, gory glory to the Horde. Let the Horde keep their corrupted corpses. The death knights are more than enough undeath for the Alliance.

Exactly. And that, in return, is enough for the Alliance to view them as traitors. Unfaithful, blasphemous, heretic undead filth. And for the Horde to welcome them.


that is the attitude that created the New Forsaken,
ask Nathanos on the Banshee’s Wail, he tells you just that.

being raised into undeath is not a good enough reason to be called a traitor and hunted

the Horde tenuously accepts this fact,
now with the Forsaken at the helm of the Horde forces, they may actually get their revenge

I’ll say it again, I -hate- the idea of playable San’layn. What do they add? There aren’t even any -in- the Horde, the last ones we knew of were just killed by the Alliance, they have no way of increasing their numbers looks at Val’kyr 'Nuh’uh baby, got to be Arthas or Bolvar now But seriously, what -are- they apart from essentially a Blood Elf Death Knight in Blood Spec?
I mean that is what they -are-…

I Can’t see Dark Rangers working either, as they have an essential problem. (Not a problem I would have personally, but one I could imagine would cause a Ragestorm). They’re all Ex-Banshee’s. The Correct linguistic spelling of Banshee is ‘Bean-sidhe’ (Pronounced the same way , Can always trust an Irishman, or half Irishman in this case, to pick you up on such things…) but it means a Dead Elven woman who is linked to untimely death, and will pronounce such with a wail (Hence Sylvanas’s Scream effects)

Now the essential problem there, is that they would either be creating a race that can only be playable if you roll Female (And you can imagine the angry Millennial rage about that) Or, they would basically be messing with their lore, not to mention, actually messing with Irish culture. The Bean Sidhe is a thing, Taking Inspiration is one thing, twisting it is another, directly perverting it is not at all cool. Sounds crazy, but on the Celtic New Years, ‘Saimhainn’ I actually put out a bowl of milk for the Bean Sidhe and all the other ‘People of the Mounds’ To just…make sure they pass on by and don’t mess with my house or its inhabitants. I realise how ridiculous that sounds, but its a thing. Probably my Irish/Scots heritage, but you want the Fae folk to leave you alone, not to pay you heed.

But the thing is, there are -no- Male Bean-Sidhe. I mean that’s impossible, the ‘Bean’ or if you like ‘Ban’ in ‘Banshee’ specifically means -Female-

There can be no Male Dark Rangers. No, Nathanos is not a Dark Ranger. I don’t actually know the name for what Nathanos is…because it isn’t even his own body…and he didn’t do it by choice…I -want- to say Revenant, but equally know that is not correct either…

But anyway, Dark Ranger playable class means -all- Elven female. Twist from that and you are messing with cultures, and we know how dangerous a minefield that is these days.

That’s in Irish mythology, though, and there are male wraiths on Azeroth, albeit not directly as male counterparts to the banshees. Irish mythology also have the Aes Sidhe, which could be of either gender, right? Related, but not the same, similar to wraiths and banshees in WoW. So, in essence, male banshee don’t really exist. But does that exclude male dark rangers? Nathanos Blightcaller is actually classified a.s a dark ranger. There’s also another, elven, male dark ranger in Tiragarde Sound

So, dark ranger can be of either gender, though females are more common.

Dark rangers are undead archers in service of the Forsaken and led by Ranger Lord Nathanos Blightcaller.

(Source: Dark rangers on Wowpedia.) This is more or less the definition of what a dark ranger is.

There’s that other aspect of emo elves that the Horde currently lacks. San’ayn have that ominous, dark, gloomy, vampiric feel that fit thematically with both the blood elves and the Forsaken.

There are a few still alive that we know of, (Prince Theraldis, Prince Atherann, and Blood Lord Vorath, as well as several other unnamed san’layn NPCs) and the Darkfallen are currently on friendly terms with the Horde.

They’re vampires (vampyr). I’m sure they have ways. A vrykul vampyr has turned a human into a vampyr. Blood prince Dreven was training new san’layn neophytes just before we killed him. Looks like they can reproduce just fine.


There’s a lot of really good suggestions here, both to lore and culture, customisation, classes and more, pointing at all the great stuff they might add as an allied race.

It’s not clear how the dark rangers and Darkfallen would be merged into one allied race, if that’s the path to go, but it’s also not stated how Arthas, upon raising the first san’layn, made them different from other undead. His way of making them vampiric, rather than “plain” undead Scourge. But he did. And others are spreading the vampiric contition to new san’layn and others.

Thematically, the Darkfallenrangers would fit so perfectly opposite high elves.

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Nathanos is the first and last Human Bow Lord,
he is a Dark Ranger, evidenced by his retinue; Dark Rangers do not have to originally be female Banshees(as his guards are male Dark Rangers).
furthermore in Siege of Orgrimmar Sylvanas states she can simply raise the fallen Elven rangers with no alluding to the need for turning them to banshees,
the new Kal’dorei Dark Rangers are also not raised as banshees,
there also are male ‘banshees’ in game, male highborne spirits - the male counterpart to the banshees

Warcraft likes to touch on cultural beliefs but it by no means has to be accurate to real world lore

Hey guys, I took a break from the forums, what did I miss? anything awesome to discuss? :smiley:

Well a lot but not much on these forums but i just don’t get why some people think blood elves are high elves and that bla bla horde’s waiting for you?

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Ah okay, :open_mouth: Though I’m planning on developing some High Elven videos regarding, lore, ideas (e.g customization, mounts, scenarios etc) and any high elf related ideas for videos. Think this will be a positive thing to do for the community. though we’ll be planning the videos on the discord server

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Wait there’s a discord server for The Real High elven fans The Silver covernent ones or how you now spell it?

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There is! :smiley: It’s right at the top of the thread! Would be an honor if you joined us

I cannot find it can any of you send it to me my name on discord’s Turiel The Protector of Secrets#8906

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Alright sent you a friend request! :smiley: I also intend to bring some of my ideas and discussions i thought of in my break, back into this thread soon :smiley:

Seeing as we already have a billion elf races to choose from I’m not sure that High Elves would add much.

Although I wouldn’t complain if they were playable.