I don’t think High elves can be warlocks.
pretty sure I’m a warlock fam
But it says you’re a blood elf or are you using trp3s?
Actually, it was not even roughly ten years ago. And Kael’thas did it because of the memory of the genocide commited by Arthas and the Scourge, not because they don’t think they are descendants of the original Highborne anymore.
Wrong. High Elves are nothing but pointy eared humans now. Living in human cities and making half breed children with said humans.
Yes. Every Night Elf Mage you create is a Highborne from Feralas.
They are still Elves nontheless. More accurate comparison.
“Play blood elves. The Horde is right there waiting for you.” -me, the great and magnificent Ion Hazzikostas.
WOW so the color of your tabard now defines the racial identity and culture of your entire race? Somebody should have told the humans that when they started world wars for no reason right?
We need WoW to be flooded with Elf races…100%.
Nobody ever claimed anything else. I don’t see how your point here is even relevant.
Wrong. High elves are high elves. Genetically the same as blood elves. Some might have adapted to a human society, but hey, they’re no less pointy eared humans than blood elves are skinny, peachy orcs.
Some do. Some don’t. Yay.
Highborne doesn’t equal high elf. Highborne night elves are still night elves. High elves are the highbonres that went overseas, became high elves, then were renamed blood elves, and then retook the name high elves. Confusing, sure, but keep on reading, and you’ll get it eventually.
Of course. There are several different kinds of elves, some genetically the same, and some different. There are nice charts online if you want to look it up. That still doesn’t make blood elves call themselves high elves any more.
Most troll comment by a Bizzard employee ever. And if you’d bothered to read about what high elves today actually are… Nevermind. You’re just trolling by now. There’s so much more to it than tabards and colours. But you’re not interested in that, and I’m not interested in wasting time explaining anything to someone who doesn’t want to understand.
The ratio of playable elves to non elves are lower now than it was in World of Wrcraft’s earlier years.
Blood Elves are High Elves. All that serperates them is the eye color and the tabard they are wearing. Nothing else would change if Blizzard made them playable. Which they won’t do for obvious reasons and statements from the past years. Just get over it and start dealing with real problems of this game that aren’t about a minority of people about a single race. Like buffing shamans. Fixing the plot-story. Or replacing the Azerite Gear system. Or classic wow servers.
Nightborne, Void Elves, Blood Elves and Night Elves together make up for more than the half of all players. High Elves would only make this situation worse.
And yet, blood elves no longer call themselves high elves. And the high elves we talk about here are the ones who don’t call themselves blood elves. As simple as that.
Why is that, you think? It’s because these are races that people want to play. High elves would most likely be more popular than both void elves and nightborne.
No, most likely, high elves would steal from the other elven races. I mean, the poeple who want to play elves, tend to play elves. It’s not likely that playable high elves would take from the number of played tauren or dwarfs. My guess is that people would turn to high elves and play less void elves first. Then night elf main characters would see less of a percentage wise decline. Then blood elves, then humans. Maybe a few nightborne, but mostly, people who play other races would more or less stick to those.
Starting with the Blood Elves. Because that’s the only reason why they are the most numerous horde race right now. They, myself included, used to be human players. High Elves would just be thieves from any other “pretty” race. Aka Stealing. Which is why Blizzard will never make them playable. They will not touch the current faction balance ratio any further.
So you’re saying there are people who play in the Horde who don’t want to be there? Who play there because that’s the only way to get to play the race that appeals to them the most? How terrible! If there only were an Allaince alternative for them! If only that race would have representatives in the Alliance.
To be honest, though, most players who play blood elves are quite satisfied with the Horde, and they’ve become a key part of that faction over the years. At the moment, though, the faction balance leans in favour of the Horde. Playable high elves might tip the scale in favour of the Alliance, but the scale would be less imbalanced than it is right now. So all in all, it would help balancing the factions out more, if affecting it at all. Not the other way around.
No. Because this is directly against the purpose Blood Elves are supposed to fill in. They exist to balance the odds and break with the Tolkien stereotype. If Blizzard would have planned anything else than that, Blood Elves wouldn’t even be playable at all, just another villain or neutral non playable faction.
The overall ballance is A51% and H49%. It just gets muddier when you reach the endgame content.
Who’s mentioned anything about Tolkien. Azerothian elves aren’t tolkienesque at all. If anyone would even come close, it would be the night elves. High elves wouldn’t even come close.
They’re currently tipping the scales off balance. High elves would help fix that. Especially now that the blood elves have had such a long time to become a true part of the Horde. Most blood elf players are Horde players.
Means the united circle union of Dwarfs, “Elves” and humans.
No. High Elfs would cause a nuclear meltdown. Ion probally thinks the same thing.
You’re funny.
If that were a real risk, though, the best thing would be to add a similarly popular race to the Horde. Personally, I’d even play some Horde if I got a san’layn. I’ve argued earlier as to why they’d fit both thematically and practically with high elves coming for the Alliance. Others might prefer forest trolls, ogres, gnolls, vrykul, vulpera, taunka, eredar (post Legion, still hating the draenei, could potentially be awesome, and they’d probably look Helya of a lot cooler), arakkoa, botani, or tuskarr. Alliance got slightly brighter draenei, and chubby humans who all appear to have extremely similar faces. DI dwarfs are cool, and I’m personally partial to void elves, but to be fair, the Horde allied races mostly look a lot better over all than the Alliance ones. And yet, here we are, willing to get more or less a replica of an old Horde race - one that’s been with the Alliance through and through, as playable, and still wanting the Horde to get some new awesome races in return. Not because we’re such awesome people, but because we really do want high elves.
Back in classic WoW it was 70% Alliance and roughly a little over 30% Horde(Probally because Alliance mains had their twinks there too). Then Blood Elves happened and forced the direction towards balance, cutting the human playerbase from formerly almost 30% of all players down by 50%. That’s a fact.
I met a lot of literal Legolas rp players who beg to differ.
Yes Blizzard knows that. But they really don’t care.
How so?
If anything they would look like the current male and female models of the Dark Ranger NPCs from the Forsaken. Pale white skin and red eyes.
Ugh. Gross.
Zandalari: Awesome!
Nightborne: Kind of cool (though you were sort of ripped off when they shifted from NPCs to playable…)
Highmountain: Sweet style! Should have been tauren customisation options, but hey, they’re more unique than the Lf Draenei.
Mag’har: Holy Mother of Elune, they’re great!
Void elves: Cool! More popular than you’d think.
Di dwarfs: Epic!
Lf Draenei: Meh. Should have added a few options to the draenei. I can’t really tell them apart without the tooltip.
Kul Tiran: Are you joking? Please say you are! At least give them some decent and varied faces. And body type options!
Eredar have a lot of unique skin tones that would most likely range between reds and purples. Green eyes. Sharper edges. And as an allied race, they could get a lot of awesome options to hair, horns, tentacles and more. They could potentially become a very popular race.
I was actually talking about a San’layn allied race here.
Last ones have the only powerful navy on Azeroth still standing. Dark Irons make sure the resources of the Alliance are still unlimited(Blackrock depths) and LF and VE are holding literally powers of creation itself to buff them up. You definetly got the better deal here. Not to mention the op racials of LF, VE and DI. Only Kul Tirans lack out here.
Oh. Sorry. You were quoting my comment about Eredar. There have been talks about merging san’layn with dark rangers, into an undead elf faction. If so, both night elf and blood elf models might be an option, seeing as night elves have been raised as dark rangers and decided to join the Horde. Also, blood princes have used models similar to night elves. I’d dig it.
KT lack out in most aspects.
And some of them have got some cool lore. That doesn’t help them from being lackluster as playable, though. I mean, the lightforged draenei are just draenei with some fancy glow that’s hardly even visible.
Let’s say for the sake of argument that Blizzard decided to make high elves playable. What race would you prefer to join the Horde opposite the high elves?
Waves up a big banner Consortium Etherals!(Considering Vulpera will be the mirror to mecha/android-gnomes).