Quel'dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race

To be honest, any prospective High Elven player base is going to come from two places; People playing Humans, and majorly, people playing Void Elves. These things are most important on RP Realms, that’s where races really -matter- to people, and as someone who plays on the biggest (Arguably -only-) RP realm in the EU, the observations are as thus:

1.A lot of people play as High Elves on Alliance, but using the Human Model, just putting in their TRP or MRP (Roleplay profile add ons) that they are in fact a High Elf.

2.Even more people play as High Elves on Alliance, but using the Void Elf model, again, adapting their TRP or MRP to reflect that.

  1. Only one small guild ever played as Silver Covenant Elves, and actually used the Blood Elf model. I miss them, they were pretty epic folk, but I can understand it must have been a very lonely experience. They couldn’t RP with people who would actually have been their Allies, and because they were doing Silver Cov -right- they couldn’t enter Horde cities either. I kind of wish they were still around now so they could benefit from the Elixir of Tongues, that would have gone some way towards making their experience more fun. They were a very small guild, but they had a solid concept.

  2. Most people playing Blood Elves actually -like- the fact that they are Blood Elves, and in the Horde. If I just wanted to play a Hotshot Ace flier leading a squadron, I would have made the ‘Storm Hammers’ and played as Wildhammer Dwarves, or the ‘Iron Eagles’ and played as Gnome Gyrocopter pilots. I didn’t. I wanted the concept, Aerial Cavalry, but I wanted it on Horde. I wanted to explore that concept of being a good guy fighting for a bad cause, of being the honourable Luftwaffe officer in WWII. I wanted to play Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, the ‘Enemy Ace’ and cor blimey, but that concept has -worked- It is -amazing- fun to RP, especially now, due to the Sylvanas/Saurfang schism. I wouldn’t miss out on that for the world! (Totally Team Saurfang)

I just wouldn’t have got that vibe, if I were a High Elf. So whilst I completely understand why people want them, and empathise with that desire, and think, yeah, they should get them, as someone fairly well known in the Blood Elf roleplay community, I can honestly say, playable High Elves aren’t going to make the slightest dent in Blood Elf player numbers.

So, sure, let them have them, it really is going to be no skin off our noses…


Oh man Akezo, ban hammer incoming :joy:

Thanks for bumping by the way! :slight_smile:

The worst part is Blood Elf was supposed to be Alliance but was given to Horde due to population numbers, not only that but the high elf was supposed to be part of the playable Alliance races in vanilla, they just couldn’t finish the model and thus we got playable gnomes. Hence the reason why all high elves models were updated later on. Now the alliance scene is dying out and they refuse every allied requested by players for Alliance. Wildhammer? Nope. Broken? Nope. High elves? Nope. Vrykul? Nope.

Only race that was liked was DI… Even if people who hate Horde switch to back to Alliance purely for the High Elf race scene it’s actually healthy for the balance between the 2 factions. Warmode would be more balanced, we hopefully gain a part of our previous M+ and raiding members back. But because it’s Alliance it will rbeak the game for Horde (not according to the players), not that we can go back in time but if I could change 1 thign with TBC it’s the races. I would scrap Draenei (last minute effort anyhow) and made a scenario for the elves, refuse to give to mana and realize the Alliance would have never done this and you would be a High Elf on the Alliance. Give in to magic windrawl and start sucking fel energy out of crystals and become Blood Elf with slightly lower height and green eyes (just like it is ingame). Then the story would made sense, that the Alliance refused to accept back the Blood Elves for giving into magic addiction.

WCII and WCIII the story made sense. After WCII the elevs were split, some the high elves blamed the humans for not being able to stop the orcs and/or were mad that instead of execution it was prison cmaps so they left the Alliance along with Gilneas, Kul’tiras and Stromgarde. Then WCIII happend and then WoW. The starting zone would be politcal with a part of the elves still having a grudge towards the Alliance (Blood Elves), while the others acknowledged the Alliance suffered aswell from the Scourge that just because Arthas was at the charge it wasn’t their fault or wrong doing.

But alas it’s too late for that now the story became too much black and white, all Blood Elves aparently hates humans for no reason at all, all orcs are back to mindless war machines and the Forsaken are now plain Scourge 2.0.

So many times people complain there are too many elves on the Horde, many of the blood elf players only like the blood elf models and hate the faction they are part of. Bliz, just give us high elf then and get those people away. We happy for the model and the Horde happy for being less the Elven Horde. Aside population will be hopefully better balanced.

Stop throwing and showing you know Alliance have many high elves living in their cities that they even can fight in the wars. The population is more than sizeable enough, even if it has to be half-elves we would be happy.


Go play ESO then, there you can play that race you desperately desire so much. Instead of constantly moaning about it to blizz for years and years on end.

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Can we there play the Quel’dorei that refused to siphon mana/magic from living beings, that did not want to meddle with fel and that have always remained loyal to the Alliance?

I had no idea!


They were not. There is nothing that indicates Blizzard EVER planned to give them to the Alliance.

Lmao not even close. Overall numbers are doing fine.


Talking about being self absorbed while looking at Alliance pov only. Just the usual rubbish on the blue team.

Nobody has a problem with the Alliance getting their High Elves eventually. But until you don’t stop the additional demands of getting Blood Elves and all their stuff too, your support of other players will not grow further. How about being less demanding for once? Works wonders.

The Tolkien stereotype of Elves and humans being best buddies is totally outdated. Elder Scrolls makes it accurate and turned Elves and humans into mortal arch enemies. So do other setting like Divinity and Dragon Age.

Unlike you, the player, Blizzard has actual reliable sources of the current population pool of the game. So if the guys in charge think like this(High Elves causing too much breakdown for the ratio), then there is probally a reason for it.

Yes you can, it will just look more like an Elf with the realism artistic design and not cartoony.

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There is no evidence of that whatsoever. Gnomes were always a planned playable race, High Elves were not.

Wow, you ought to try playing on RP Realms…70% Alliance 30% Horde…hardly ‘dying out’, and far from being an Alliance sob story, the Horde equally has not gotten the races they have asked for, The direct correlation with High Elves would of course be Ogres, which also are shown to be in the Horde, but are not playable.

Dark irons are pretty cool, having a lot of fun with my DI alt at the moment.

Again, try playing on RP Realms, War Mode is -massively- unbalanced, the Alliance hugely outnumber the Horde, however because the bonuses are region based, not tailored to Warmode Shard, the Alliance, despite vastly outnumbering the Horde, is -still- getting the 30% buff, and the welfare item, whereas the Horde, who are outnumbered, still only get 10% buff.

They’re a very popular race now, and with two variants, They made a lot of the story of TBC possible and interesting, I think retroactively scrapping them would have been a bad move.

That’s not what the Blood Elves did though. They did not drain fel energy. The Fel Crystals were there to keep the buildings standing. The Blood Elves drained -arcane- from living creatures. They also are not shorter than High Elves, because they are biologically the same. The In game models reflect that fact, High Elves and Blood Elves are the same height.

High Elves have the -same- addiction, and the Alliance were just fine feeding them crystals to drain. Don’t make the mistake of thinking otherwise, the Mana dependency is a Thalassian thing, whether Sin’dorei or Quel’dorei. (Apart from the happy clappy tree friends in Quel’Danil, but they make no lore sense anyway)

I don’t think they do. I mean Lor’themar was perfectly happy to enter into negotiations with Varian Wrynn, until Jaina messed it all up. They probably hate Jaina, with good reason, but it doesn’t look like they especially hate -humans- in general.

Umm…No…Most people playing Blood Elves on RP Realms actually -like- the fact that they are in the Horde. The people that didn’t are now playing Void Elves.

The only people who have a problem with Elves in the horde are those who simply do not understand what the Horde is, and frankly those people should not have a say in matters. As for better balanced, the Alliance already has a 70-30% advantage in numbers, I don’t see why we should benefit them any further?

I genuinely don’t know what you mean by that statement. ‘Throwing and showing’? Can you clarify on that. The Alliance certainly has enough High Elves to be playable, the population size argument went out of the window when Void Elves were released. As for Half Elves, I’m not so sure, a lot of the High Elf fans in this very thread would most definitely -not- be happy with Half Elves.

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Ive seen helfs in the velf starting area learning to become new velfs soo yeah suck it up and get over this helf thing… velfs ARE helfs confirmed with evidencie, end of discussion.

What does this have to do with my question?

So you’re saying ESO is based on Warcraft lore? :thinking:

No one’s discussing that Velfs are Helfs. We’re talking about the High Elves that were never affected by fel or void that fight together with the Alliance.

Those helfs became velfs

No, Velfs are Blood Elves. Those Helfs are still Helfs. I don’t have any info on Vereesa turning into a Void Elf.


I just told u there are helfs becoming velfs in the velf start area go check it if u dont beleave me.

Those High Elves are interested in the Void, not turning into Void Elves. There is currently no known way of turning into a Void Elf, as that only occurred because the void-infusion process was interrupted during the VE unlocking scenario.


Look we both know that now that velfs are a thing helfs are just not possible anymore. So please just accept it and move on. How would u make helfs unique ? U cant. They are literally belfs with blue eyes…

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Speak for yourself. Blizz are in fact hinting at Wildhammer Dwarves. Which could lead to a second pack of Allied Races, including High Elves.

I am not going to repeat for the 100th time the arguments against your points. Please go back and read what we wrote before. Thank you for your understanding.


You clearly got confused by what i said. No i said you got the race there, it’s not based on WoW (or was that you being sarcastic? can’t tell for certain) it’s just more realistic art design in player character model etc.

Where is Blizzard hinting at a second pack of Allied races?

They have in fact stated the opposite. You can find the relevant video at https://youtu.be/4AVTzRatRcY?t=139

In the response to the question asking whether Allied races were going to be BFA only, Ion responded that Allied races are a core part of this expansion to bring new groups into the Alliance and the Horde. The reason so many are being added now is that that is part of BFA’s story, finding new allies for the war.

He also goes on to say the Allied race system is a great tool they can use to bring new groups into the factions in the future where they make sense. But he also qualifies the statement by saying they don’t want Allied Races to be a feature expected every patch and that they don’t want there to be 30 races to choose from.

In the Taliesin and Evitel interview with Jeremy Feasel, they ask him about Allied Races. He confirms more are coming in BFA after Kul Tirans and Zandalari, but crucially they then follow up and ask him are allied races coming beyond BFA.

The link is https://youtu.be/BcxLdMrbWUY?t=819. Jeremy states they haven’t thought quite that far out regarding future allied races beyond BFA but they have the tool ‘in their back pocket’ if something comes up they believe makes sense,

In other words, no. There is going to be no second pack of Allied races, no second wave where they start introducing yet more variants of existing races as part of a regular cadence of content releases such as an expected new raid or a new dungeon. Allied races may come in future where it makes sense, but it will be a tool deployed with a great deal more restraint than it is being used in BFA.

Allied race additions are going to become rare and special. And it is much, much harder to argue that in those rare and special occasions they think it time to add a new Allied race post BFA that they are going to use it on something as minor as an Alliance High Elf or a Wildhammer Dwarf.

They were hinting at Wildhammer Dwarves in a future, which leads me personally to think there will be a second pack of Allied Races.

You yourself have quoted them saying they have in mind introducing some in future expansion. Not necessarily as “allied race”, though. I find it odd that you literally quote them saying “we haven’t thought far beyond but it’s possible” and then right after you say “no”.

Perhaps you thought I meant they were coming this expansion? No, not at all, that’s preposterous. In a future? Definitely. Maybe they’re not “allied races”, maybe they’re called differently, but essentially it’s the same tool.

That these races/factions are minor is your personal opinion, not a fact. Megathreads about them show they are not minor.


To be clear, you said a second ‘pack’ of Allied races. By saying pack, you are implying a collection of racial additions similar to the first ‘pack’; the eight to twelve Allied races we are getting over the lifetime of BFA.

I have shown you evidence from two developers now indicating that Allied races will not be added in the same manner post BFA as they are now, during BFA, when they are pretty much expected as part of every major patch. So I was not arguing against future Allied races post BFA, when that is clearly on offer, I was arguing that if you expect they will add four to six pairs of Allied races across the lifetime of an expansion then you are mistaken.

The probability is that future Allied races will be very limited, probably a pair at a time and probably several years apart, only added where the additions make sense.

And if Allied races get that rare, as they undoubtedly will as one of their concerns is burdening the factions with too many unsatisfying options, then the chances of them using a rare slot on something like a Wildhammer Dwarf is very, very low.

As for Wildhammer Dwarves and Alliance High Elves being minor; they are minor in terms of how different they are from already playable races. Wildhammer are pretty much identical to Bronzebeard Dwarves save some unique tattoos. And High Elves are already playable as Blood Elves. Wildhammers at least have the decency to be a close duplicate on the same faction they are proposed to join, whereas Alliance High Elves violate faction integrity by duplicating a Horde race to the Alliance.