Quest: (31732) Unleash Hell

Quest Name: Unleash Hell
Quest ID: 31732
Area: Jade Forest, Pandaria

Hello, I am going through older content on my Level 70 Night Elf Druid, to complete Loremaster.

Issue: Upon entering Jade Forest to continue the Pandaren campaign I am unable to find the NPC named Sky Admiral Rogers to accept the quest, as the Skyfire ship is not located at the location that it’s supposed to be.

I have tried to restart the game, reinstalled the game and client, and even tried using the Skyfire portal at the Pandaren Mage in the village - but that leads me to perpetually fall over and over.

Did you start Jade Forest via the Hero’s Call Board?
Because I did just now to test it, went to Stormwind and accepted the Jade Forest quest (had to accept couple zones before Jade Forest cycled in), did the two steps before, landed after cinematic on the Skyfire and was handed the Unleash Hell quest.

I’ll keep checking that, but so far it’s not showing on there.
I have completed the quests leading up to Unleash Hell, but when I went to go back to complete it, it was gone. I abandoned the quest to retry it, but the Skyfire was still gone.

My chain of reasoning and evidence is shaky here, but try talking to Taradormi

to phase you.

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Thank you ever so much, that worked!

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