hi is the quest a desperate alliance still available or not anymore?. according to wowhead invasion guide the quest givers spawn at the fountain in trade district on day 6 of the zombie plague. only problem is that its the stage that capitals are overun by zombies especialy trade districts. so the quest npcs were most likely dead/turned into zombies that whole day long and overlooked by many i gues at least for me cuz i didnt know. now that the zombie plague is gone there are no quest nps near fountain ofc. so is the quest removed or is it still available somehow?
Try reading here. Wrath of the Lich King Classic Pre-Patch Event Issues
i have read that there its about the cure event quest thats after the plague. the quest im talking about it supposed to be happening on day 6 of the zombie plague wich didnt or no one saw it cuz npc died non stop
OK, thanks, I just saw Aggrend going over the timeline, so thought your answer was therein
no one knows? anyone that has done the quest durning the zombie plague?
Maybe you can find anything in this zombie event guide from wowhead?
yes i read that and there is says the quest comes on day 6 of the zombie plague event wich as i said is when capitals are overun and debuff is only 1 min but no npcs were to be found. it seems to me no one has done this quest or else peeps would have replied by now that they did it
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