Quest log cap

Well, I am stuck with your face now it seems. Don’t know if you see it? Haha.

We’ve seen feedback about the quest log cap for a long time, and we agree. It’s time to increase it. With a change coming soon today to all Dragonflight realms:

  • The maximum number of quests that a player-character may have has been increased to 35 (was 25).

Have fun taking on (up to) 10 additional adventures!


Great change, thank you.

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Thank you SO much for hearing us on this! I think 35 is a good number :smiley:

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Thank you!!1 I was hoping for this too

Why not 50? Stop being lazy.


i heard bad ideas but this is on another level…

abandodning MY quests without my agreement ? hell no. i have quests i did not abandon because i simply dont want to. who are you to tell me “you dont need this quests… GONE” ?



That idea isn’t necessary at the moment anyway, as it seems Blizzard are willing to increase the quest log size. I definitely would prefer them simply doing that if possible, which it appears it is.

Why not 2000. People need to actually complete the quests instead of hoarding them .

There isn’t really a logical reason to have any cap on quests.


the problem here it’s not 25 quests it’s 24
there’s a pet battle quest which you cannot abandon.
so with the new update it’s 34 quests. can we please get rid of that quest

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this talk about auto-abandoning quests is terrifying.

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Thank you so much. This was driving me crazy. This game’s got so many quests and they interweave a ton this time.

Awesome change!

People could just, you know, complete the quests they pick up before they run to the next questhub to pick up more. :slight_smile: You usually never get more than 4-5 new quests at the same time.


Ohhhh nice ty have needed these!

maybe 45 Please|?/ whats the point of this arbitrary limit

45 is just as “arbitrary.”

I laughed so hard at this :joy:

After so long, I finally relented and competed it yesterday.

I lost the battle of wills.