Quest log cap

lol… look up arbitrary - what you suggested is just as “arbitrary”

I don’t exactly know how modern WoW works, in terms of costs…
… but very many things depend on quest states: loot tables, NPC visibility, NPC dialog states, zone switch triggers, and so on.

Thus a wild increase could have unwanted consequences, such as the issue outlined about the start of the expansion. It was just a bit of encryption, shouldn’t cost anything, shouldn’t affect servers - at first glance. :slight_smile:

I also agree that we should try and clear out content.
I see that working on multiple expansion endgames can fill up the quest log indefinitely. Which is mostly a time gating and RNG problem. Still, maybe it could be resolved by partitioning quests. (Hard version is Chromie time specific quest logs, but I know it doesn’t work that way now, it’s 1-59 and what about instance scaling.)

Thank you! Since I cannot ignore certain quests (at least I’m not aware of any feature that allows us to do it), I just add them all to my quest log and untrack them to prevent them from showing up on my map. The list can fill up pretty fast this way.

Some people are just never happy :roll_eyes:

i do think there needs to be seperate panels for legacy quest and main expansion quests in all fairness, like i said previously, I think certain quests blizzard should let us keep in quest log regardless and we all know what they would be…

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I agree with what you imply, and I’d argue the current system is almost good.
It’s not obvious at first, but it expands current zone, so adding further steps - sorting, grouping by continent, expansion - could work. Sometimes a bit

I think one of the issues is that the current UI is “map first” and that doesn’t always work well. I have an easier time navigating the WLK version - really just classic with a wide quest log. What the current one does well is handholding, you can play pretty much without reading: press M, go to marker, execute, repeat. We could have both.

I’d rather see dungeon quests on a separate tab, and without grouping per dungeon - too cluttered, think about WoD inn quests. Same about dailies.

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Awesome thanks

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