Quest "rescue the farseer" bugged

just faction changed my character, started the quest line for new zones etc… got to the quest “rescue the farseer” its saying completed but I cant hand it in anywhere… anyone know how to resolve this issue


According a wowhead comment here: it seems that if you can’t complete it you could try dropping the quest and doing it again to finish it?


If you have still not been able to hand it in, please try a relog on the spot (at the quest NPC) and see if that helped out. If not, please try to leave the zone and come back again, to try once more.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

tried all of the above and no resolution as of yet

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Same problem did all there was asked.

So, click off the follower buff and that should fix it, it worked for me


This worked for me too, thanks Damin :smiley:

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It didnt work for me tho. Currently i dont have the follower buff, tryed to relog and reenter the zone. Im still stuck. And I tryed to redot the quest 3x…

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NVM! i just went out of Warmode and it worked.


I also turned warmode off which made it work.

Was just impossible to finish with warmode on.
Please fix for future blizzard :slight_smile:


Hey folks, I appreciate a solution being shared but please do not post in very old forum threads. If you’d like to report an issue that you experienced on one of your characters then you can create a new forum thread yourself :).