Question about Chromie time and endgame content

Hey, i have a question about the mechanics of chromie time. it is about the level sync and endgame Zones in the chosen Expansion. For Example, WoD had Tanaan Jungle as a max level Endgame zone. In Chromie Time max level is obviously 60. But i want to stop ep at level 55 (because i want to play through all expansion in chromie time). will i be able do do quests in Tanaan Jungle? I hope you understand what i mean… sorry for bad english.

Similar question about BFA. You normally get the heart of azeroth at max level… am i able to get it with level 55 in Chromie Time? Without it a huge endgame portion will be locked for me

generally speaking, are there any quests in any expansions before shadowlands that cant be done in chromie time at level 55?

Strangely enough I am also going to be halting my experience gains at 55 to do the exact same thing.

I am unsure whether you will be able to do the end game content you mention like Tanaan Jungle whilst in chromie time. I know you will definitely be able to leave chromie time and do it that way whilst still capped at 55 but you may be stronger than the content.

If you aren’t too far along the process and fancy a companion I’ve just started a new guild on the realm Genjuros (Darksorrow & Neptulon are connected also) that is mainly for people with a play style like you and me!

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