Question about Class Tuning

Greetings Azerothians.

I just have a quick question about Class tuning.

Blizzard is buffing my Prot Warr, which i am of course happy for. Guy compared to other tanks missing so much utility, it’s about time we get some spot on light.

My question however is, to these changes affect pvp aswell?

I also heard, that like 50% of damage dealt is reduced in pvp? I’m not sure how does this works and what is or is not true.
Can someone please explain it to me?

Thanks you and wish you a beautiful weekend.

if not specifically mentionrd that it does not apply to pvp then the changes are affecting pvp as well.

you can see several spells on the list where they do tuning where they specifically mention does not affect pvp

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Ye that’s what i thought, just wanted to make sure, thank you!

Btw someone just told me tanks take like 75% more dmg or something like that. You know something about it?

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