Im Farkes, Few weeks ago I began to create Lore videos as I enjoy to share the lore and the game I still even now enjoy after years, past years I was very interested in the Lore, and was looking all things around it up. It took me lot of time to finally get myself to the creating of it, and i was wanting to ask. Is it worth it doing the lore videos where I share the Lore from game I enjoy because I like doing the videos? As I was told that it is not worth it because most of stuffs are as the person said “already done” but when i was looking at lot of things. I saw usually just quick summary of it. I know i might not be nobble or other creators, but I want to just create them for the fun and perhaps grow as someone who share Lore of the game and maybe attracts people who never saw the game?
If you want to check the videos, you can do so here, I’m trying to get better at editing and all that, but Im just starting so far.
I feel you there, yes some lore parts are horrible, but when I think back the lore it is still worth showing some old lore. And my sanity is I think fine (: I found my inner peace
One of the most prominent (Probably one of the very few remaining) WoW lore channels is PlatinumWoW. Now the reason why I have brought him up is because he once said something along those lines: “Current WoW lore sucks and isn’t interesting, but the old lore is enjoyable and I make lore videos about the old lore because I love it”.
To answer your question directly - no, it is not worth doing lore videos about wow.
If you focus on old lore you are very likely to run into retcons making your videos obsolete. If you make videos about the new lore, then look at another post on this forum section called “What happened to this Forum?”.
That said, making videos is a nice creative outlet and you should persue things that you enjoy doing in your spare time, regardless of demand. In fact making such videos for yourself (not making them public) would likely remove the stress of “chasing the views” and allow yourself more creative freedom (instead of doing things that appear to be more popular).
If you want to make it big on youtube as a lore video creator then don’t focus on this dead game and make League of Legends lore videos. There’s a TV show that came out fairly recently and seems to be quite popular in the general public. There is an MMO about to come out for that game, which will cause a spike of interest in lore.
My personal opinion is that you should focus your energy on more productive and useful things (relative to your own situation). Our lives are too short to devote them to ungrateful video games.