Question about playing on realm Al'akir and level boost

Good afternoon, folks. I’ve started playing WoW back then on Burning Crusade, but then I suddenly stopped and decided to start playing again recently ( been about a month so far ). Anyway… my work colleagues convinced me to start playing on Al’ Akir realm and even tho it’s been a month since my returning, I am only level 50 due to lack of time and knowledge about the gameplay at all. I waste a lot of time googling-up different quests and playing on my own with such a low population in Al’Akir at my current level is boring nonetheless. My question in one sentence is - I just bought ‘Battle of Azeroth’ and haven’t used my boost yet, should I continue playing on this realm and hopefully get to find a guild to roll with, or use my boost on another realm and if It’s possible to get my current character transfered as well? Thanks in advance for any tips, guides.

P.S: I would like to do PvP and I am barely interested into PVE although I know it’s mandatory.

Al’Akir is not where I would recommend someone to start. As you already know, its population isn’t great. At least you’re on the right faction.

But really the only question here is: do you want to stay withyour friends, or find a livelier realm? And we can’t answer that for you.

If you want a livelier realm for Horde, and are only interested in PvP, then one of the traditional Horde PvP realms like Stormscale, Tarren Mill might be what you’re looking for, even though there are no PvP realms any more; instead, you switch War Mode on now. Still, most of the people on those realms joined them because they wanted to be on a PvP realm, so you will be more likely to find PvP buddies. Make a shortlist of Horde realms, and check them out for yourself. Look at the Realm forums for those realms, for a start.

Since you can play PvP with people on ANY realm, you can still stay in contact with your friends.

Now, you can use your boost on whichever realm, but if you’re having problems with knowledge about the gameplay now, you will have more after the boost. In current WoW, you can see levelling as an extended tutorial for new players, and skipping that means you will still have to invest time in learning the ropes.

You can transfer your existing character as well, for cash

Personally, I wouldn’t pay that for a level 50, but that’s entirely up to you.

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Thanks. I am really not relaying on them to fulfill my team in World of Warcraft, hence looking forward to move on. I will check out the sections of those realms. My interest into playing a Healer is really nice, but I never did besides doing some PvP as discipline priest back then at wotlk. Got my gaze shifted on restoration Shaman, but I don’t know if it’s worth it to use my boost on that class with zero clue about it’s capabilities.

If you want to know about a spec’s capabilities, the place to find out is:

  1. YouTube: look up Resto Shaman PvP

  2. Twitch: find someone who plays that in Twitch and watch and ask

  3. Class Discord, which for Shamans is Earthshrine:

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Cheers bud. appreciate your help and time.

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