Question about professions, alts, work orders and characters/players on a realm(from a returning player)

I’m sure a dozen of these questions have been asked already, but it’s so complex to my head, that I need to ask my own version of it, as I’m the type of person who overthinks too much, which right now is confusing.

I haven’t played Dragonflight, so all the new work orders, new way of professions and stuff from Dragonflight is still not understood. I ended my last play session at the beginning of Shadowlands, so I just dabbled a bit with the white crafting items with different item levels for epic crafting from that primal guy with chains.

My real question begins here:
I’ve played Horde for the past few years, when I’ve played, but my friend that I am supposed to play with is playing Alliance, so I’ve started leveling a few toons through pandaria remix. I didn’t really think much of where to create them, so since I had good experience from Ragnaros horde, I just figured I should continue making characters on Ragnaros alliance, so my characters were together, I didn’t had to change realm when logging into alts and I could still play with my friend through the cross realm faction play, and even cross realm guilds.

But what about all this crafting stuff? I like to do crafting and try to score a bit of gold on the side. How will that work, if I’m on a 5% alliance and 95% horde server (Ragnaros). In the past I selected Ragnaros because it was a high pop server with good gold potential for my horde characters. But will I have any limitations if I started making a few alliance alts on the same realm, or do they have any limitations because something is faction specific or? The same can go for auctions, dungeons, work orders, raids, LFR, etc.
People write about most stuff being open, but is it all open, or how much is server locked, and then is it also faction locked?

A comprehensible answer would be nice, so I don’t have the feeling I’ve just waisted a bunch of hours making alliance toons on the wrong server.

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