Question about shaman races

Would it be too much to ask for Human shaman playable or is it very bad lorewise?

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Meh, methinks they will roll it out between next patch and next expansions. They did said something about making all classes eventually available for all races just not the when.

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If weā€™re looking at lore only then to my understanding a human shaman in their currently standing tradition wouldnā€™t be very plausible yet not impossible.

One way itā€™s been described is that each race is represented by their class choices only because they are very prominent within their culture, etc. However, with the recent unlock of warlock etc to every race that seems to be thrown out of the window.

Yet if we look back into the past, long before the first human civilizations, the humans who resided in what we today call Arathi Highlands displayed some control over the elements and some understanding of the spiritual aspects of shamanistic culture, as described in the Chronicles. This would point towards a possibility in the future, however, this is VERY early in human history and not at all present in their current cultural image. So unless Blizzard goes out and does yet another ā€œrace-wide class unlockā€ like theyā€™ve done recently and during Cataclysm, I donā€™t think that weā€™ll see any human shamans anytime soon.

Yet, Iā€™m no expert. This is what conclusions Iā€™ve come to with my own understanding of the established lore.

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Not really, since humans already have shamans (kul tirans), just not stormwind humans (the default choice we have).

Lorewise it would be pretty easy, as long as they also ā€œintroduceā€ another human group that practice a form of shamanism and just say that ā€œthey join the stormwind humansā€, as they did with dwarves.

Now if you specifically want stormwind humans for some reason to learn shamanism, thatā€™s pretty slim chance (although dunno why you would want that).

Speaking about Kul Tirans specifically, they are represented as shamans in game due to their connection with the elements through their tide sage order, quite different from the traditional way shamanism has been presented in game. While yes, Kul Tirans are humans, they arenā€™t ā€˜humansā€™ in the sense of the pickable human race in game, hence why I refered to the current standing lore about them. I very much refered to the Stormwindian (and the majority of human) culture in my reply.

Indeed they could introduce something new all together to the game lore, as shown with the new trolls in Azh-Kahet or the likes, yet we have to base our assumptions on facts not possible outcome, hence my reply said ā€œPlausible, though not impossibleā€.

PS. The reason the dwarven race got the option to play shamans in game is their connection the the wildhammer clan and the unification of the three hammers. The dwarven race customization options reflect this heritage as well today.

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Considering the changes they made already, it honestly does not matter any more. Just open it all up !

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