Question about valor points going forward in Cata

Has anyone heard or read anything about how valor points will work going forward in Cata?

They were changed to work like Conquest points, that much I know. But when we enter a new phase, will everything you gained be reset to 0, or will you be able to keep them? Would be good to know in advance so you don’t miss out on BoE epics, aswell as not shooting yourself in the foot by emptying your points in time, and miss out on early upgrades.

It resets to 0, probably goes to JP & overflow to some pennies.


There’s like 0% chance they’ll let you farm up thousands of Valor points in prep for a new “season” of it and buy a ton of stuff Day 1 of a new patch.
Ain’t no way that’ll happen.

However, they may eventually add non-Cata things like the Gamma/Beta/Whatever dungeons we had in Wrath.

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This is actually what they said they will do with dungeons in a presentation for Cata before it launched.

Iirc, they said they will consider the alpha / beta / gamma etc, it was not a sure “this will happen” thing. Personally, considering the different currency systems (emblems v. VP / JP), I don’t think it’s necessary - currency and catching up works fine…and considering the huge power boost each tier brings in Cata (bigger difference than in WotLK imo), doing lower tier raids on normal is a walk in the park (which is what used to drop in alpha / beta / gamma dungs).

And yeah, with each new tier, VP / JP get converted very similarly to how it went in Cata prepatch.

Lets put it this way, its not supposed to happen. But would you be surprised if they mess it up?

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