Question for anti-RDF people

Without private servers we wouldn’t be here.

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Also your logic is even more flawed as RDF was not in the game untill ICC so puting it in from the start would have been a massive change from how it was if you gona complain about ppl wanting it as it was.

That has nothing to do with the PS-Retail view on the game.

And i can guarantee you that it was not the Wrath PS people that convinced Blizzard to make classic but rather vanilla PS people.


YOUR logic is weird.
Oh wait no, you are just full of bad faith.
Saying RDF could be a massive change while it’s not a problem for you to play with every class, mecanics, QoL from 3.3.5 except RDF.
Well well.

Again a prove of your bad faith because RDF wasn’t removed because of the patch content but because of the new “pillars” to protect “social”.
But i already said it 100x times but yeah, talking against people with bad faith like you is like talking to a wall.

So again =>

It is not. Classic PS have nothing to do with RDF as they dont have RDF on vanilla servers.

So the idea that RDF is a beloved system is not anchored in any reality outside of some small niche-servers that use it. On Retail people where not happy about RDF.
I want progressive servers (without rdf). I dont mind the other systems they are putting in, but i do mind RDF.

You are just a PS muppet that never played retail wrath so why are you even arguing about things you dont know anything about?

But yes, the RDF community is toxic AF.

Yes it is.

1- There is no Classic pserver.
2 - Why are you talking about Vanilla when we are talking about Wotlk
3 - Are you trolling ?

Thanks to talk in the past =>

All anti-RDF arguments are outdated - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

So you want a Wotlk as your are dreaming it.
Problem solved, you want a custom Wotlk.

The who is doesn’t know anything about is who are living in a dream and judging a game with old stuck memories.

Hilarious how you judge a toxic community because they want the feature what is removed for ridiculous reasons which finaly doesn’t work.

Also =>

(While there’s no RDF, people still get summoned to the dungeon like there was RDF. At that point just add it.)

I sure bet the social aspect of the game improved /s

you guys like whispering every class in /who ?

You guys like to get denied because you wear the same armor type as the leader ?

You guys like having to walk to every dungeon on a daily basis to get your heroic gear?

You guys like the social interactions of ‘’ hello, Gratz , gg ‘’ ? or ‘’ don’t do x and y things guys ‘’

You guys like to run back to the dungeon entrance to summon someone if your party member leaves ?

You guys like to travel 20 minutes to a dungeon each time?

you guys like to wait that someone accept the summon while their are AFK or doing a quest and tell you to wait?

You guys like to watch netflix or youtube while on a gryphon ?

You guys like to travel back to your questing zone after finishing a dungeon ?

You guys like to spam LFG chat because you are out of options ?

You guys like to deal with people that queue as tanks but they are not ?

You guys like to only queue 1 group at the time ?

You guys like to skip sometimes dungeons because they are not worth your time and effort because of the traveling time ?

You guys like to be only limited to your realm to find groups?

You guys like to have teleport for pvp but not PvE? ( i got told it’s not the same thing, really convincing argument )

You guys like the GDKP spam in LFG ?

You guys like groups that hard reserve loots ?

You guys like making your own group when there’s other groups that are just waiting for a tank and there’s like 5-6 of them?

You guys like to wait for daily lockouts ?

You guys like to blame RDF because it’s a retail feature so therefore it’s bad for the game when it’s released during WoW’s peak and it was praised ?

You guys like to call people lazy when it’s a feature that encourage more casuals to do dungeons ?

You guys like to queue into every group and refresh LFG every 5 s ? when you could just queue in RDF and do other stuff.

You guys like to deal with people that take 10 years to come to the summoning stone ?

you guys like to get denied because you are not meta?

You guys like to be bothered with all of this ? it amazes me.

“claims PS had everything to do with creation of classic. Gets upset when told what PS community was the driving factor. Changes the subject and goalposts yet again”

That is your take DJchimp. The only one you are arguing against is your self as you build strawmen every time you try and make a counterpoint to something people say because your arguments would not hold water if used against what the person is actually saying.

Yeah i know, talking with a toxic guy like you and with bad faith is like talking to a wall.

nobody ever said that, it would be used, but it would ruin the social cohesion the same way it ruined it back then

You’ve never pugged a dungeon in WotLK Classic have you? Lmao.

You have never used the Dungeon Finder back then, have you? That’s a very different thing. It’s removal is actually the first thing people wanted when asking for classic servers, and for a good reason

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Please stop talking in the past.
Since Classic 2019 it proved that you all have to stop to talk in the past.
How many time we read “Oh you will see the community of Classic is awesome, playing for fun, helpfull etc”
How many post here about the disillusionment we get ?

I don’t see ANY more social in this Wotlk Classic than pserv with RDF.

Because RDF isn’t cross-realm on p-servers as there’s only one bloody realm?

At least you made it to 1,000 dollars.

1,000 useless, waste of space posts. Just what this board needed >.>

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Utter nonsense.

There’s less socializing in the current LFG system than there was in RDF when it launched. A lot less.


Are you saying that the problem is not RDF but people talk less in the game because we are in 2022 and playing on internet is not new ???

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I know right, it’s almost like the year WoW released was the same year Facebook released and smartphones weren’t (really) a thing yet.

Almost like the worlds changed.

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As much as I’m not fond of giving him credit I think he’s not wrong in that social interactions through the damn tool are also kept to absolute minimum. People don’t really talk unless it’s necessary.

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And again, my experience differs.

Perhaps it’s because I’m annoying and force people to talk to me.

In that regard how would RDF make any difference? I mean on any bigger server you’re very unlikely to meet same person twice during dungeon runs. Hell on smaller one like Nethergarde Keep over time I kept seeing more and more people only once and almost never running into them again since our pace was just that different

If you try and talk in RDF you often get kicked. No matter what you say unless it is “Hello” or “Bye”.