Question. (HELP)!

Nothing Ironic about it, I am not self-centered :slight_smile:

if 6 silences did not make you change your behaviour you deserved a perma bann

Are you deliberately trying to trigger me? or are you really just this illiterate.
It says, the silences was lifted. Therefore, they were unjust, why wouldn’t I continue if I know people are abusing the report system, and I keep getting silences lifted, if my advertisement helps get rid of Gold spammers, and offers free help to people that need it.

Where is the human in you?

is it with this free help you bought your t3 shoulders?

Are you silenced or banned ? and did they tell you what you have done wrong this time ? if its for joining and leaving groups that comes under grieving and disruptive gameplay or was it for your adverts ? if so that is really harsh but this cant be your first one as 7 months is alot to build up .

Frost mage bis SL?

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He does boost free actually wether you like it or not it is the truth .


And we already proved you are not years ago Nivicc .

Frost mage bis SL?

Frost mage bis SL?

Frost mage bis SL?

I mean if you so good how comes you didnt know a DH had a taunt ? …

It’s a widely recognised fact that I’m the best mage in the world. Don’t listen to this wannabe.

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Excuse me! I am the best mage in the world. :roll_eyes:

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I am the worst mage in the world…


Seems likely. Isn’t there an achievement for equipping both of them? The achievement should be account wide. Think you need this achievement before doing the TW run.
I’ve not done it myself though…

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i think it is me !


If both wow accounts are on the same account the achievements are shared, otherwise no.

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