Question regarding mythic+

what is the recommended item start doing mythic+? wanna start doing it but i’m afraid that a might be to low item

In general, the Blizzard-sorta-recommended ilevel for any dungeon is around 15 ilevels below the loot the dungeon drops. That is, they tune things to be comfortable for an average group at that level.

In Season 2, starting in a couple of days, M+2 to M+4 drops 402-405

so that would give a sorta-recommended ilevel of 390-ish.

But that ofc has nothing to do with what people making groups actually want in their groups. They always want the highest level and best score they can get.

But in the first week, nobody starts with Season 2 gear, so you are not as disadvantaged.

Your best bet at getting gear quickly is to get into the new M+, so there isn’t much alternative to making your own group by getting a Keystone from an M0 or M+ this week, and/or applying to lots of groups next week.

Whatever you can pick up this week will help, ofc.

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I say just try it. Start with m0 and m2. Install a dps addon and see how you are doing.

Mind that, In most cases (for lower m+). Knowing the mechanics of the mythic is much more important then ilvl.

Best thing you can do is to watch some guides on YouTube for one single mythic. After that try it couple of times.

In my experience, nobody is going to flame you for low dps, if you know the mechanics and when to kick something/how not to die.

Getting 379 pvp gear from AH and heading straight to +2s is fine ^^

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