Question regarding WoW Remix

So, I started 2 days ago (too late, I know) and basically bought everything I wanted; saw there’s gear upgrade vendor, but I’m wondering what’s the point of it? Heard folks say no matter what ilvl you end up with, all remix characters will be transfered to retail with 415ilvl at the end of remix, is that true?

I’m not sure if the 415ilvl gear thing is correct for when the character is finally merged into retail. I expect we’ll get more information from Blizzard, once we get closer to that date.

But the point of upgrading the gear is to do repeatable content quicker and get invites into those heroic and the mythic raid a lot quicker.

It’s really up to you what you do with the bronze.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria characters are granted iLevel 415 if they’re 70 by the end of the event.

Reading that now, thanks Carrotinabox. I was looking for that to double check :slight_smile:

That is a bit meh overall, meaning that remix characters will only get 2 days of the prepatch event (if you have early access), if they do not want to play their mains to get the gear for their character before the expansion goes lives.

Guess I’ll be farming on my old main once the prepatch goes live xD

Until then back to finally getting the last of these toys purchased with bronze and then I hang up this evoker to rest until TWW!

I could ask you what’s the point of getting gear in wow when next patch you get better stuff from heroic dungeons.

If you wanna do heroic raids without getting carried or farming your cloak like crazy, you’ll realistically have to upgrade your gear.

I get you’re trying to figure out the practical reasons to do something but at the end of the day the point of Remix is to enjoy the power trip and have fun.

If you need a reason to continue with it then there’s all the Remix achievements (some give cosmetics), which is far easier with an OP character, and you can complete a lot of the original MoP achievements along side those if you want to. Plus, you can work towards getting ‘everything’ from the Bronze vendors (you said you got what you “wanted”, not everything) and, assuming you don’t want to level loads of characters in Remix, you can do that faster/easier with an OP character.