Question: RP as a defector

Hello Everyone.

I wanted to ask your help to create a back story for my characters.
People that left the Horde.

I didn’t agree with the story in BFA so I am planning to quit the idea of buying any further expansions, as I consider the Horde lost any moral dignity after Teldrassil.

That means they will probably be stuck on time as I consider that every single one of them left the Horde after they arrived on Zandalar.

That means:

  • No faction tabards.
  • No Warfront armors.
  • Going back to their original roots.

For this character it was easy.
The Zandalari already tried to persuade the Darkspear Trolls to join them before, so she just took the opportunity and joined them once she was with Princess Talanji in the royal palace.
That’s why she wears a Zandalari armor.

  • Goblin Rogue:
    The only one who doesn’t care about Sylvanas actions as he is only a mercenary. But he isn’t interested in dying for the Horde in a conflict he already foresaw it’s going to be a blood bath, as it’s bad for business.

But for others it’s a bit more difficult.
That’s why I wanted to ask your opinion about it, as people used to role-playing if you consider it’s too far fetched.

  • Orc Warrior:
    He wears an Orcish armor he got from Draenor, no Warfront armor or Garrison armor.
    He left the Horde after realizing they are incapable of not repeating the same mistakes of Blackhand Horde.
    He was imprisoned in Aedelas Blackmoore prison as he was part of Orgrim Doomhammer regiment and he’s not interested in repeating the same mistakes.
    As Saurfang he suffers from PTSD.

  • Forsaken priest, BE Warrior, Mage:
    Got horrified with what happened to Teldrassil as this was the exact same thing Arthas and his army did to their home land.
    At their eyes the Sylvanas Horde has became the new scourge.

  • BE DH, Monk.
    Left the Horde as soon as they landed in Zandalar.
    They helped Princess Talanji and went back to their order Halls never to be seen again.

  • BE paladin:
    This is the main reason I created this post.
    She, unlike her brother and sisters in arms, she’s much older and fought along side King Therenas Alliance, against the Amani.
    After witnessing what Sylvanas did to Teldrassil, and being completely outraged, she went back to use the imperial armor set a bit like on this cinematic:

Would the Zandalari accept her if she was using Alliance simbols like, commander’s crest ?
Would this be considered offensive in Zandalar, as the Amani are living there as well ?

The reason I am asking this is because I am planning to make Zandalar their permanent home since I love Aztec culture and I am not planning to buy any more expansions from now on.

Thanks for your attention.

Zandas would hate it. They’re the only ones left calling out for vengeance against the Alliance in Shadows Rising.

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Thanks for your reply Grokator.

Having purchased the imperial armor set, I tried many times to wear it as a transmog, but something kept telling me it was wrong.
I will go with TBC Shattered Sun tabard and a yellow theme armor instead.


I mean, technically you’ll find plenty of people who left their factions in booty bay, the darkmoon faire and the argent crusade.

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Honestly I’m not sure the Zandas would tolerate even a neutral elf truth be told. They tolerate the Horde ones only because they’re allies.

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