This is a pretty random question, and one I don’t know whether there’s an answer to, and whether having an answer really matters. But, well, I’m curious, what can I say?
Basically, I’m wondering whether it’s known what the Stormwind Guard Armour is made of? I mean, the replica set itself is made from the Iron Horde Scraps, and is said to “not (be) the strongest stuff in the world, but it looks good”, but I doubt that would be what it’s made from in an IC sense.
Then there’s the Imperial set, which is similar and made from Thorium, but again, I doubt it’s an analogue.
So, my question is, is there some piece of obscure lore or exposition that explains this? Or am I missing some obvious explanation?
Failing that, what do you think it would be made of? Steel, probably, but your opinions would be valued!