Question to WoW experts

Everyone says ‘join guild’ if you want to progress/raid, whatever.

How can I progress if don’t matter which guild I join it falls apart few weeks or months later when I finally manage to accumulate DKP to get some item? Then I join another guild and process repeats. I’m not a hardcore raider as I don’t have time. So what other options are there for me and many others who would like to have ‘semi-serious’ but consistent approach?

Because as it stands the game is hugely unfriendly to working people/ parents. And it’s sad because it just discourages players.

Blizz isn’t helping either.

Are there really guilds that still use dkp for loot?

Personally, as someone who doesn’t like being forced into a routine, I always just created my own groups. It usually doesn’t take too long to find enough people.

I never quite understood the complaint about PUGs having too many requirements like logs etc., you can always just create your own group, that way you are the one to choose the requirements.

Only join guilds that use a /roll system.

I have been in static /roll PuGs since Gnomer, It works great.

Never seen DKP yet in SoD. Most guilds go SR or simply roll.

My raid team uses MS +1 > OS. So you roll for main spec, if you win you get a +1, everyone without a plus 1 gets prio on the next roll etc.

It can be a bit of an issue when people try to avoid getting +1 on early drops to hold out for later drops, but luckily my team isn’t overly loot hungry as we are a casual team, so people just roll on what drops and the +1 system means loot is more evenly distributed. Works well for us.

Next time when u join some guild first check them on warcraft logs, if is there no any logs chances for guild to die r 80% more or less.
Logs r show up they play from season 1 and having in mind to stick to end of Sod and possible after sod if game have some plans.