Quests, recipes and achievements tracking is broken after todays mini patch

I just created the topic

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these advices, which make everything worse and make situation even more difficult, should be ignored. I’ve done it about 2 times in history and it always turned out that the issue was on Blizzard’s side.If they are not willing to admit their problem, at least they should not give advice that will make everything worse.

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Yeah, but I had kept the old folders to be able to restore all the settings.
Only did it for the sake of being able to say I followed the steps, to keep the ticket going.

We’re lucky they don’t have us reinstalling windows and wow, as it is ofc our fault that the Time Rifts often lag like hell :slight_smile:

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Same here for me, yet another bug. Game is completely broken, Every time an update hits they fix a few things but screw up a whole lot more, this game is still a beta…


fresh install of wow doesnt fix it


Every issue I’ve had with WoW in the last 19 years has been fixed on their side before I would even contemplate reinstalling.

Maybe they should have a PTR for patches and hotfixes :crazy_face:


In my experience of software development, if you get a bunch of really smart people into a room, there are no limits on what they can achieve. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I thought I was safe from it all… Imagine my surprise when I had no tracking at all when login today :skull:
Hopefully they’ll have a quick patch up and ready to go soon because it’s really annoying to have to manually add tracking each and every time one has to logout/login.

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I actually looked at this out of curiosity. I have my PC configured to backup each day and date stamp them so i was able to go back and look at an older config file before the patch and compare with a recent one. The configs you mention were there before the patch and were set to the same values. So maybe has nothing to do with the tracker resetting.

That’s interesting. I only play since Legion, but I dare say that about (and at least) 70% of all bugs and issues I (and other players, according to wowhead and forums) came across have never been fixed.

Of course this one will be fixed, as it is an extraordinarily fat one.

Hey everyone,

Thanks for the posts on this, there’s some known issues with the tracking in-game and that’s under investigation currently.

In the meantime while that’s been looked into please try resetting your interface to see if your issue is linked to those.

If the issue you have persists you can report it by Bug Report from in-game ESC > Support > Submit Feedback or Bug Report > Bug Report, so our team looking into that can keep a track of the issues.

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Today’s mini patch fixed it. Again can track everything.

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Same here plus when clicking sort the wrong bag clears. I keep having to switch them round. Also, opening backpack bag to sort, unable to click on sort button with “items locked” error.
And, half way through a fight with an elite, left and right mouse buttons just stopped functioning, couldn’t move or click action bars or loot. I had to log out and back in again (the mouse was working elsewhere).

What have you done, yet again Blizzard?!!

Yep fixed for me too.

Probally best to make a new thread about this as this one was about tracking. Not seen anyone else post your issue though so could be an addon issue. Have you tried to disable your addons and see if that helps?

I have noticed something myself so he may have a point, if i have the map on screen and im currently moving the keys wont work anymore until my mouse cursor is off the map again, very strange.

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