Quests, recipes and achievements tracking is broken after todays mini patch

Today was over 140 mb patch. After that quests which i had on track keeps disappearing from my screen every time I relog or log for the first time.

No addons, did full UI reset, deleted Cache, WTF and Interface folders, Scan and Repair. Still broken.


Tracking in general is broken. Quests, achievements and recipes will untrack after relog.


Same for me , Uninstalled all addons , deleted wtf interface cache etc , reset all in game otpions did a wow repair nothing

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The exact same problem here and it is infuriating beyond description because it not only keeps untracking all quests but also all achievements.

This also started after today’s mini patch.

EDIT: The problem seems to have been corrected as per the mini patch Saturday morning! Thanks Blizz!

Same issue here

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Having the same issue after the mini patch earlier. Quests (inc. WQ’s), Acheivs… well anything tracked.

Also sometimes untracks everything after entering a group/raid or doing a dragon racing WQ.

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Makes me wonder how they even managed to break this :joy:


same problem, even favorite crafting orders list is there when I first log on char but dissapiers when I log off and on

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Same here, thought I was going crazy looking for a key combo I must have hit that disabled it.

Looking in the retail config file and finding things like:
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestObjectiveXEffectHotfixCount “0”
SET CACHE-WGOB-GameObjectsHotfixCount “0”
SET CACHE-WQST-QuestV2HotfixCount “0”

…makes me indeed wonder if the patch messed things up.
Then again I have no idea if this was already in the file.

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Think it might be fixed, can anyone confirm?

Lol nevermind.
I relogged to one alt and all the quests were there in the tracker, went to two others and the same!
One more relog and the tracker stopped working on all characters again, sigh.


Its easy to repeat :slight_smile:

If login with your character second time today, objective tracking will stop working. It will show correctly for first login with any char…

Nice job Blizz (again) . You keep breaking this software at accelerating speed. Have you send your QA peeps to permanent vacation ?


Same. Also when going to change Dragonriding mount mogs it thinks everything is new

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Blizzard should employ more real developers and less hairdressers and fashion designers ; )


Same here. Quest & achievement tracking resets every time I log in or use hearthstone (or change major area / continent any other way). Also, reputation & currency tabs expands every older expansion “things” I have minimized.

It seems that this is happening only on my main warrior, haven’t noticed these problems on my alts. Perhaps the patch was added while I was playing my warrior so only it broke? Anyway, it’s weird and annoying. A fix would be nice.

edit: Apparently, my alts are also affected. If I log in with same character a second time, the quest log and everything else mentioned are bugged.

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It only affected my main yesterday and i did what blizz told me to do and now its affecting all my toons even low level ones .
It is defo a blizz issue but when they will fix it who knows now

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it seems lately that they are more busy inventing new cosmetic nonsenses rather than fixing bugs.For about two months there is a bug where the crafting window does not show the actual item level for things from previous xpac’s. They probably do not care at all…but now I can have an imp with purple hair and that’s more important …

Didn’t notice this initially but went into my reps today and had the same thing happen.

Will also add that doing the dragonriding customization or barbershop seems to also reset the tracker.

Quest log is bugged for quite long ago now. Have to mention “Blue Dragonflight” heading. It’s still there after I finished campaign like month ago. But right now what they did is a totall mess, can’t be worse i guess.

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Had a reply on my ticket and did the whole renaming of the wtf/cache and interface folders, which ofc only served to remove every setting I had.
Reverted to my old folder as it made no difference.


Something was fixed but later in the morning many other trackers broke again.