Queue for Battlegrounds from Anywhere

Because this change doesn’t impact how the pvp is played at all, whereas such a change would fundamentally change how dungeons are played for the many, many reasons that have been repeated ad nauseam.

It does, you do not have to sit by battlemaster and wait. You can do other stuff.
Same with RDF, you wont have to sit in dalaran, spamming your group, just to fly to the dung for xxxx time. and the best perk is, that you dont have to even use it :slight_smile:

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This element of the game does not pertain to the pvp at all. There is no gameplay aspect between queuing and getting into the battleground.

This is a point that has already been raised in this thread, but what prevents you from listing your group from anywhere else in the world?

RDF next then please Blizz :slight_smile:


If it was so cool they would not have added battlemasters and we would have to still go to the exact spot where BGs take place. But how was this different from getting to dungeon you want. It is bg you want, you should go there, right ?

Yeah, list my group as a solo dps. Thats … thats actually great ! Why I have not thought about it earlier. I will have all the time to do stuff outside Dalaran. Or I can sit in dalaran and actively look for group.

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The logistics behind getting a battleground going is vastly different than the logistics of getting a 5-man dungeon going.

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As a pve player… no thanks.

WoW Wrath Classic started on 3.3.5, so it’s way passed the “original” timeline of when BG queues from anywhere were added.

People LOVE to complain about anything and everything.

If the community keep asking then eventually Blizzard will cave and give us RDF

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Lol what kind of silly as comment is this?

Oh I dunno. Could it be PvE is more widespread and more popular?

Again PvE is more popular among more people? Coupled with that Blizzard don’t deem it popular enough to develop more contect for? Or are they simply lazy you think? No idea, but I sure wouldn’t mind a better variety of BG’s.

Yea sure, in that regard it’s more like Raid Finder I guess. So you’re saying RF should be in the game come Cata classic then I suppose.

Lol not much at all really :man_shrugging:

LMAO yea right. If the LFG spam is the only talking you do in game you sure wouldn’t miss much with RDF :rofl:

Nah that’s dangerous for the game ofc. Just give in to the babies crying for bg queueing… Clever you are uh :person_facepalming:

Well put!

Lol are you even aware what you are saying?

It is exactly the same thing with RDF :person_facepalming:

Ofc it is somewhat different. As in a higher number of people needed. Nothing else really is different.

I guess you should be advocating for a bg group building tool without the teleport part. If you want your reasoning to add up that is :man_shrugging:

My guess? Pvp and pve are fundamentally different. A map like Warsong Gulch has way more replay value than, say, Shadowfang Keep. Because the challenge of Shadowfang Keep is static whereas player vs. player will always be dynamic. Maps also have to be much more carefully designed for pvp than for pve. If they were to add as many BGs as they added Dungeons I think people would just get upset.

Again, pvp =/= pve.

Nothing else? The players are the content in BGs. You don’t get loot, you get honour that you spend to buy gear. If players are given too much control over this they will win-trade. There’s no ifs or buts about it, it always happens. You cannot really win-trade with NPCs in a dungeon.

Again, pvp =/= pve.

No, it’s not. The aspect of gathering a group and getting to the Dungeon is part of the Dungeon experience, and removing it does impact how we approach Dungeons. There’s never been anything like that for Battlegrounds. When people like you make the suggestion that BGs should require you to gather the group and walk to the instance entrance, that suggestion is not based on any logical reasoning. It’s based on spite.

No. I believe the randomness of the team building is an important part for BGs to function. You could remove the cross-server aspect and in doing so you would promote a more social climate for Battlegrounds, but you would also increase queue times and for WoW where Battlegrounds are so large I don’t think it would work out well in the long run. However, it has worked for other MMOs that had smaller Battlegrounds.

The randomness of the RDF is not important for Dungeons to function.

Pvp players want RBGF so they can do whatever they want and get a pop-up.
Pvp players do not want Pve players to have the same feature’s they have.

Why do they “think” PvE players should not have RDF? Because they are afraid “World PvP” would die… Aka, Pvp players ganking Pve players that are running to a dungeon/summoning group members.

Pve players want the RDF for exactly the same reason as Pvp players wanted RBGF, but their opinion is deemed Invalid by PvP players.

Pve and Pvp both are as social as you make it, AFKing in cities happens both with or without RDF/RBGF.
Spamming chat happens with or without RDF/RBGF, with RDF added it happens LESS however.


good, RDF next

RDF next week :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet it has been mentioned in the past 115 messages, but it would be great if we wouldn’t be dismounted when leaving a BG on a flying mount… seriously how did they now think about that?

is not the same thing though, is it? think about how the two things are different before u mindlessly parrot your narrative. better yet, ASK.

dont like wotlk classic without rdf? dont play it

its the same ppl that wants rdf over and over in these post’s it seems there will be no end too it lol

Also the same pple who are against it. I asked pple that actually played, on LFG, general, trade - not even one person said that he or she doesnt want RDF. Seems like all RDF opposers sit on forums and make sure that rest wont get it. Really i hasnt met a single person in game that is against it. Everyone wants it in game.

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The only ppl that don’t want it are the nasty world “pvp” gankers.

You know, the ones that act like they’re amazing while ganking a leveling person or an unaware PVE player running to a dungeon/summ stone.