Queue times are ridiculous

No. People should play what they want. Not be bribed into playing what they don’t really want.

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They are still playing what they want and get rewards while doing it, atm it gives no rewards for playing.

Its all excuses. In Legion LFR got 2-10 min q time and dung got 1-2 min. People don’t want to do this content coz

  1. No titan forged
  2. Poor drop chance
  3. Much less people playing
  4. No rewards for catch up systems in LFR/dung

So you just want more. You’re just being greedy. Check.

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I’m speaking for others i already got everything :smiley:

Don’t speak for others. They can speak for themselves.
Just speak for yourself.


Try horde, for pve, and pvp generaly is more ppl in df tool, both option basic and creating/lf party.

Only for alliance is lesser queue for random bg and brawl. Horde can use mercenary mode for random but for brawl doesn’t work.

Generally as a alliance player i feel abandoned, nothing done to fix imbalance since years.

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Queue as tank and you have instant invites. Queue as DPS and you have to wait given the shere abundance of players playing DPS compared to Heal and Tank.

For Raid (and as such LFR since Normal/hc/mythic have nothing to do with the amount of players more or less): Because its LFR. The vast minority needs it. Its there to see the story, grab some trinket mayhaps and some renown. Its not even desired to increase ones own gear outside of trinkets because of its low ilvl rewards (especially compared to M+)

PvP queues are pretty much instant for Alliance. Same for Horde if they know how to queue.

Same role system and distribution? Same Gear rewards in said contents? Etc etc etc. Ye i doubt it.

Not to mention time zones, time of the day, weather etc etc etc. I sincerely doubt the majority is inside atm and plays rather than being outside and enjoying the weather. Queue times changing over the course of the day is nothing new.

I assume you are talking about heroic dungeon queue times or LFR queue times : that is most of all because very few people actually play heroic dungeons or LFR when Mythic 0 or even Mythic +2 are so easy, plus shortage of tank / healers.

If queue times is a priority for you, you probably are better off switching to tanking - that’s almost instant queue, and most of your play time will be spent learning the game rather than waiting for the game to happen.

It’s even worse trying to find tanks in Classic. No one wants to play them :laughing:

Is it really that bad for people? Been back on retail for a week and its 3-12 mins on dungeons, which is fine as I’m queueing as DPS. Which won’t be a lack of players, just the tank/healer/dps ratio. And PvP is 10-15 mins as horde with 100% win ratio in 20+ games lol. Or can queue as merc for instant with some more losses in there.

Why should anyone go back to tanking or healing a HC/N dungeon when they say, have covenant gear or higher?

What reward or reason is there too? You’ll only get ilvl 158 to 171 trash and no random interesting drops. There’s no lore reason to do it. There’s no game play reason i can see.

Covenant change followed by spamming Heroic dungeons.

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I would imagine that is rarely done as most specs have a BiS covenant, but you’re right, that is one reason.

Depends on a covenant change or if one prepares for the next tier. I might consider Leveling Kyrian up before 9.1. I will however not touch Fae regardless of circumstances. Venthyr was leveled a while ago.

At Shadowlands launch I choose NF for my arcane mage for the AOE ability, but i regret it lol.

The dungeons are too compact and said AOE has too big a range, I only use it in safe spots now to reduce my cool downs rather than help bring down packs.

I can’t switch now though as I’ve maxed all my covenant systems and gone too deeply into NF on my mage.

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I still havent upgraded any buildings other than my Oribos portal or my World Quest enhancer (whatever its called). Anima power has been so far the least of my concern. I was more than just annoyed when i swapped to venthyr and the covenant conduit had to be farmed again from the same source.

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Because people don’ t wan to heal, even less want to tank. So You have 240 dps waiting their turn to get that 5 tanks. As for pvp - either play Alliance or merc. Few minutes max

If you choose Alliance you automatically have to add like 50% to the expected queue time, Alliance is a dying faction.

Besides that there are obvious reasons, Tanks and Healers get instant queues because no one wants to play them, content drought = less players right now etc, all compounding to make your queue times long.

Queue for a dungeon as a tank, on horde, in 3 weeks and your queue should literally be instant

How about the system we had before were the bags would have a mount/pet/toy in them which have insane low drop rates .

When i was tanking and the reward system gave me the blue proto drake and my partner at the time got the mount from Strat :slight_smile:

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