Queue times are sapping the fun out of PVP, need a rework/incentives

If you have a bad game/matchup and lose rating, sitting 30 minutes in queue just to get the chance to fix it again is really exhausting, and adds negative stress to the process. Imagine if the uptime of PVP was comparable to a game like COD where you can get straight back into the action. This alone would make PVPing so much more fun, even balance issues and such would be much easier to wave away if the actual uptime of playing PVP was 90/10 instead of 10/90 as it is now.

And of course, the way to fix it is to increase participation. And there are a lot of small issues to fix as well as some larger, systemic ones. How is it that after all this time the default Arena Frames are still so bad that everyone basically need an addon to play? There should be more incentives in forms of unique gear skins, mounts and perhaps other things. The brackets could be streamlined/simplified and way more transparent, showing an actual in-game ladder of where you rank compared to others of your class and in general.

Imagine if balance was exactly as it is now, but the whole infrastructure around PVP was way more functional, with a ladder system, incentives and high participation/uptime. Even while flawed it would be a lot more fun. Add some balancing to it and it could be absolutely great, because when WOW PVP really “clicks” there is nothing out there quite like it. It’s bizzarre and frustrating because it feels like relatively small and easy implementations that shouldn’t cost that much to develop would improve the game so much.

I think more participation won’t solve q time issue: higher population higher gap between amount of DPS and healers. Ideally it should be 1:2 ratio healer to DPS to make perfect q time. But DPS base is larger. I wish they would do some shxt like on this new classic realms where 1 faction is blocked to create character on pvp server if the population is not equal. They could disable q button for DPS when there are too many of them compared to healers in q. And once the balance is about right the q button is working again. Otherwise no clue how to fix that, but that’s definitely problem made by role distribution ( player made)

Buff resto druid, holy priest and resto shaman and the queue times will decrease significantly.

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Solo shuffle is a plague, a disease, a waste of development. There is no good way of fixing participation in those game modes due to the degeneracy of classes and how fotm alot of people are in that bracket.


Solo q is awesome mode, some may hate it ,but it’s the most popular one. It is really hard and challenging to adapt on always different unexpected comps and situations to win. It kinda indicates your personal performance on your spec in any given situation imo. Some specs seem op, some seem weaker, true. But I played like 8-9 specs this season, some of them were totally new to me and I seem to get about the same rating at all of them with the same speed 1-3 days playing. And while I am looking for the builds to copy from murlok I notice there are high players on absolutely any spec, even tanks. These are the people who not give up, dedicated to their spec and mastering it. Buffs and nerfs will come and go, it’s cycle most likely and some should be at the bottom,some at the top, but don’t worry that fotm, these are just people unfortunately doesn’t have any mental strength and willpower. Everyone should enjoy their own spec and master it and healers should get 10k gold per round won in shuffle

Que time saping life of this game and also makes people unsub… because its not much fun watching 50min timer

Sole reason for that is:
Game cannot stand with only 2 viable healers, they alone cannot drive healthly que times… either nerf god tier healers or buff underperformers… no other way around, and this need to be done yesterday… Its big emergency in WoW, even if they shutdown game to fix it its justified.

Game have alot of modes, and its designed for 7 healers to drive que times…currently 2 healers are god tier, others are cannon meat. 2 healers cannot cover all modes and we have current situation.

There is no other way you can fix participation, because healers are driving force, and you cannot force healers to play to be cannon meat to god tier healers, people do not respect this, nor they want to be engaged in this because Better do not win… WoW become game where it matters what you play not how you play. Just look a shame which happen to AWC, 2 viable healers, unacceptable, they shoud shut down AWC asap until its fixed, because what was shown there was low quality of game.

Well one thing is for sure, even though there are many other things to fix to increase participation across the board as mentioned above, the bare minimum should be that all healer classes are always good, fun and viable. Since healers already are the bottle neck for most activities in the game, for every new season the biggest priority should be making the healing speccs as fun and viable as possible. Cutting into the already small population of healers we have is really bad.

They should all have means to offensively affect the fight in a meaningful and distinct way which differentiate their playstyle, but importantly also have roughly the same survivability and healing power. These last two points should absolutely be as similar as possible. It’s almost as if the whole idea of the role should be reconsidered to “support” and not “healer”.

i think u got cause and effect backwards

pvp is not fun for most players, there fore they do not queue, therefore queue become longer

Indeed who ever defend current state of healers must know one thing…

Healer is guy who you wait 50minutes…and healer wont que if he is not viable and if he gonna be used as cannon fodder to god tier healers fueling their undeserved free wins.

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