Queue times

Is anybody else experiencing longer queue times then before 8.2 released. Average queue time was around 7 minutes pre 8.2 now it’s 15 to 20 minutes?

You’d think with more people queueing because of the honor week and having all regions mixed the queue’s would be shorter but… they do seem a bit longer than usual. Not sure what’s going on there either.

However there have been times when the given ETA was 20 minutes and the actual queue was 40+ and that hasn’t happened yet so far.

Does it take longer because the internal system is waiting for healers or something? I have no clue how it works.

Probably because they have merged EU and RU. Russian servers had huge horde overpopulation, average queue for horde was about 1 hour. Now on RU servers queues are shorter on average, but i guess on EU they’re longer now.

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Ru has too many horde , and they only play bgs.

Since a new patch was just released lot of ppl do pve stuff. We need to wait for a while until they get bored and get back to pvp again.

You are beginner to wow , too many people queing bgs thats why que times are long on bgs.

And there are less alliance players to fight on the game.

No wonder such people were losing to ru. They think if less horde que bg , que will be long.

Atleast he not lost 40 bgs in row like you…noob.

I never lose more than 2 in a row.

"I have 16 characters more than 400 ilvl , I leave and switch other , why would I stay 1200-734 loss bg.

42nd bg now. Only 1 win."

42nd bg now. Only 1 win."

42nd bg now. Only 1 win."

42nd bg now. Only 1 win."

In this thread you also wrote like 34x that you canceled sub. So what are you even doing here looser?

No germans are good pvpers… for example aegwyn is legendary german server with very good players. Maybe you are not good pvper.

Yes, because casual Alliance players are more pve oriented, so when a content patch comes out lot of Alliance players stop pvping until they get bored with the new pve content.

Nobody talked about less horde queuing. It is common sense, that if something distracts ppl from pvp then queue time will increase. Try to queue to epic bgs with lower lvl charaters and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

I won 5 epic bg in a row so far with eu players.

They dont know how to play epic bgs. When they build siege engines they directly take road to wintergrasp fortress.

I put them in stay in sunken ring workshop. First we attacked with 16 cars. breached the first 2 walls.

Then I spammed 10 times in a row dont go keep with vehicles wait to be 16 cars again. Then we went keep with 16 cars again. We won.

But if I didnt tell them , they go wintergrasp keep whenever they build cars.

They have l2p issues. Not dps problem so my experience is they have a lot of things to learn. They just dont know how to play bgs.

also I joined these bgs with 3 minutes que times. Horde is spamming bgs which makes longer ques on horde side.

Apart from the last sentence about queue times, this is the same sort of thing that you are constantly posting:

  • how EU players can’t play
  • how brilliant you are
    Both of these are debatable.

Can’t you stick to the specific thread rather than spamming the same thing again and again on every thread ? Why is your experience of one WG battle relevant to Queue Times ? Maybe you should have a read at the Code of Conduct for forums.

As for the OPs query about queue times, it’s probably too early to say what the merge will do to wait times. Distorted at the moment because it’s BG holiday week, and also people will be checking out the new areas and content.

It will never decrease. There are too much players spamming epic bgs on russian horde constantly without stop. It will increase eng horde que times too much.

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