Quickest way to farm Restored Artifacts (archaeology)..?

Is the quickest way to farm restored artifacts in Legion or in MoP with mantid locator and foragers gloves?

I’ve been doing both. While Legion archaeology is all tightly together in Stormheim currently, it feels like sometimes the artifacts have a high fragment requirement so take longer.

But in MoP surveying is faster with the gloves and artifacts seem to require a bit less. However there are massive flight times between dig sites??

Legion is the defacto place to level archaeology in. All other areas is spread out over multipe zones. In Legion archaelogy is confined to a single zone per 14 days, furthermore you can get a glove enchant for faster surveying.

From my experience farming for the mounts quickest way to farm restored artifacts are MoP with mantid locator and foragers gloves.

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