It’s amusing when forming a raid for Naz Battle, watching the group’s numbers fluctuate when behind on points. The quitter types looking on LfG for a winning group. But feels good to eventually have enough in the grp to turn the battle around. I love comebacks!
However, it’s not easy to keep track of raid members that have rejoined after previously quitting, but stay because winning now. They are taking the spot of a potential non quitter. It would be good if the raid ui gave a warning that the applicant already quit, with accept or decline buttons. This would be helpful to lock quitter types out of our raid.
Otherwise, gotta keep track of their names. Not easy for me when so many join and leave (‘joilers’).
Same types in bgs, except potentially bigger liability. Not as bad if they just leave, a player that’s less of a liability could replace them. But staying in bg, demolishing the morale of their team with negative chat, making a comeback impossible? Report for cheating imo.
At least in naz battle they typically just leave, but they should not be able to rejoin if battle is later being won.
Possible Addon Solution
Maybe there’s an addon for raid member management? Or someone could make it. This would be useful for any raid grp, not just naz battle. Here’s what I’d want in the addon.
A: Display accept or decline buttons when previous raid member attempts to rejoin, or instead auto decline previous raid members.
B: A moveable button, to kick previous raid members at any time.
C: Apply A and B to just current raid, or instead current and all future raids.
D: Output what actions the addon has done to chat, or not.