Quiz about your characters backstory

Exodar, in a small village.

18 years old…

She was a WW i.e.( W. hore and a Warrior)

As stated above she was a WW but after doing the things she loved the most with other ppl. She started doing those things with demons as well.
One day, she was used so much by the demons that she was in the verge of her death that the light touched her and gave her the powers to kill those that used her brutally. Thus, she became a Light ForgedDraenei PP ( Pro. stitute and Paladin)

Yes, she was… With a demon with a big something then she got bored and slaughtered him.

W. horing…

That she is a B. Itch!

Unicorn with a big something and more unicorns.

2 handed because she likes to tease other with her weapon by doing stuffs related to se. X