Hey all
Would like to get opinions and clarifications from all yous
Its in regards to being eligible for R1 title in a week
I am currently in R1 range - my stats for this season are 273 wins 200 losses
Based on this i should be available for R1 if i finish in range - however i made a “mistake” by doing a flat realm transfer (did not change faction, race, name, hair, toenails)
I was wondering if this would cause any issues in my eligibility - would i still get R1 title if i finish in range as i have 273 wins?
Cheers all!
With what character do you think you are in r1 range?
i have a shadowpriest horde on 3050
3050 is not even remotely close to r1.
u are wrong horde cutoffs are 3022 aliance cutoffs are 3060
you have to win 150 games on your current faction
Thank you Drae, i did win 273 times on Horde in that case i should be fine even though i xferred to another realm
Have they been released now?
Aye, much apreciated. 
How come they are so low tho? I havent’t checked the ladder recently but last time i looked there were people on 3,4k and stuff- Oo
3050 is not even close to what the final cut off will be
its because the amount of ppl playing this season has gone up by a stupid amount.
my guess is it has something to do with pve players farming pvp for gear and things like that.
Looks like you guys have something going for you then
Just joining in to be toxic as hell? You literally had no idea about the cutoffs you just wanted to make him feel bad.
Not really. But whatever floats your boat.
How is telling him the truth toxic lol
it isn’t the truth at all check the link above
The link is the cut off from as of yesterday, if any1 of you ever pushed or watched glad/rank 1 cut off last week of a season you know it goes up by way more than 30 points
He had no idea of what the cutoff was.
“Not even remotely close” I dont know if i call 10~ rating that far off.
I mean if he push 3,1 he has a decent shot at getting it, 50 rating is a lot at the top in my opinion tho