Race change and ancient titles


I’m thinking of changing the race of my very first char.
He is holding a view ancient PvP titles that are no longer achievable.
If I change to the Earthern for example, do I keep the titles?

The FAQ says that achievements and titles are not affected, but better save than sorry. :slight_smile:

Worm regards,

While I don’t have any ancient PvP titles I have couple TBC era titles (eg. Hand of A’dal, Champion of the Naaru, of the Shattered Sun at least) and they have survived race changes fine, though not to Earthen specifically.

edit: I remembered I still have the old titles granted by vanilla era PvP as well. I never did vry much of it, but one of my characters which has been race changed several times can still use “Master Sergeant” title (though there seems to be two of them for some reason).

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Thank you very much for your response!
That sounds very promising.

I was thinking of the Allied Races, Earthern was the first that came to my mind. :slight_smile:

Thank you again and have an amazing New Year’s Eve!