Race Change, Faction Change, and Server Transfer Cooldown Reduction

Greetings Cataclysm Classic adventurers.

We’ve recently deployed a hotfix that reduces the cooldowns for race change, faction change, and paid server transfer on Cataclysm Classic realms from 30 days, down to 3 days (72 hours) to match these services on modern realms. This change also applies retroactively, so for those who are currently on a cooldown after initiating these services within the past 30 days, expect your cooldown to be completed after 3 days from when the service began.


Congratulations everyone, Blizzard listened to your feedback on reducing character services cooldowns!


I wonder why :cowboy_hat_face:

can you also make the Warglaives transmoggable

Yeaaahh wonderful feedback so the bots can transfer faster now to inflate other realms or factions with their gold selling business :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean I was personally against it but here we are :expressionless:

No, so you could race change to Worgen, find how hideous they are in all kind of transmogs and race change back :joy:

Please give some love to Holy Priests!

Disc priests are much preferred in raid compositions.

  1. Holy Priests have mana problems, Disc priests do not.
  2. Disc Priests with evangelism have higher HPS with PoH than Holy Priests.
  3. They lack utility.
  4. Disc Priests have access to easy haste (PWS:shield, Power Infusion)


  1. Chakra: Chastise allows you to aoe heal based on dmg you do with smite and holy fire (adds utlity)
  2. Heavenly voices reduces the CD of Hymn of Hope to 3minutes (adds utility)
  3. Evangelism gives twice as much mana back if you are in any Chakra state - this incenticizes speccing into Evangelism, helps with mana and helps to surpass Disc HPS ouput with Evangelism as it was intended.
  4. Being in any Chakra states either gives +3% haste or allows Surge of Light to proc from CoH, PoH as well.
  5. Serendipity applies to two PoH or Greater heals.

Thank you for your time!

Vanilla PvP gear without rank transmogable where?

Hooray!!! That’s why I could race change already, I thought it had to do with my ticket I had opened. Haha. Good decision, thanks!

And still no information about when exactly the free server transfers will end/servers will be closed.

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Cool, now give us transfer across different wow accounts ON THE SAME BATTLE.NET ACCOUNT.
You know, which was possible back in actual wrath/cata


Seriously, the one thing I applause people for finally getting their feedback through as I advised them if they really wanted to get Blizzard to reduce the cooldown from what I’ve seen in the past and between up to the point of this change.

And I’m getting made out for being “paid” to support a blue post? Do take your trolling elsewhere.

For anyone else: Please if you got any feedback about anything in Blizzard: Make a constructive thread or use the feedback box. Blizzard does take it into consideration, “micro-x” or not.