I have a question about the for rogue. Thinking about night elf, but i do understand that human is better choice. Will it really effect on pvp aspect if i chose ne.
For now human remain best pve option, and as a human u have best advantage against other rogues ( from aliance at least)
But play w/e u want
And as a Night elf do I have any advantages?
U have 1% dodge iirc which is their only combat bonus .
As human u have sword specs that is strong in pve ( might change in sod) and perception which gives you edge over other rogues when u have it ready .
If the pvp aspect is really that important to you, you should play gnome or dwarf.
Honestly, play whatever you like the style of.
SoD has no competitive Arena, so this racial minmaxing wont have a noticable impact at all.
Night Elves have better stealth, resistance to nature damage which is fairly common in vanilla wow and the wisp is faster death runs.
The truth is any racial difference is marginal and the better player will always bridge the gap to a worse player who picked a “better” race,
My advice is pick the Night Elf, you’ll like it more and that attachment is far more significant than the extra 0.7% higher hit chance.
Gnome is Game changeing as a rogue. Imagine fighting frostmage , Its so sick to have escape Artist ngl. Between human and nelf i would Just Pick asthetics