Racial choice, male medium size

After all those years, there is one thing about this class that i have a strange problem with…

I love to play medium sized male characters… dwarf is to small, my current character to big…

I love playing human, undead, blood elf sized characters… strangely Shaman is either huge in size, or rather small…

Any tips on racial choice? From the visual aspect.

Play a Female character? Female Orcs are close to the height / size of the male Human Races

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kul tiran are exactly middle sizes just “wider” than normal humans.

Alliance then only has female draenei left that is not “huge”
All alliance shamans are either fat (wide) or small (height)

I like playing smaller characters. It’s nicer somehow. Maybe because I don’t like a big hairy man butt all over my screen. Have you tried rolling a troll? Pandas are also a bit shorter than Kul’tirans i think.

Play horde orcs are good for you

I go Orc. Orc good. Orc smart. Orc smash!

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