But that didn’t stop Blizzard from adding artifact weapon models and other rewards that could only be unlocked completing long rep farms and entire quest campaigns, and I don’t remember people being outraged by that?
Maybe I am mistaken, but I believe positive response to class and spec fantasy was so wide, that such issues were easily disregarded. Most people do not have more than a handful of max level characters anyway, and it is not feasible to imagine anyone would be completing all content on every single class.
On the other hand, the four covenants gave the IMPRESSION of being few enough to be farmed, and that’s exactly what has lead many to become frustrated over repetitive and grindy content that will quickly become irrelevant when a new expansion hits.
Again, just my own consideration, but if the choice is in between asking Blizzard to release less content in order not to stress the completionists or letting them do their best assuming from the start that getting everything is impossible, I’d go for the second.
And any race fantasy items, just like class fantasy ones, would be still loved and cherished by players when the specific expansion that saw them implemented is over.
Same here really, which is why I will never ever attempt to farm all mogs for all armor types in game, but I do farm older content for Draenei themed objects and outdated mage sets.
I take it as an in-character comment, yes?
The Shen’dralar existed in lore long before the Nightborne, and were reunited with the more nature loving rest of the Night Elven kin back in Cata, when they taught them to start training mages again.
Not saying they’re a majority, but there are a few of them, and they are in fact very elderly Highborne Night Elves. That hardly takes away anything from your own heritage. They’re just your old disgraced cousins who are now living with the hippies.