Racial Identity in 10.0

Regardless of my personal opinions on that particular subject, the High Elves were something that’s been asked for by a lot of people since Classic, and have been in the story since Warcraft 2. I doubt that the amount of people wishing for Highmountain warlocks is even a blip on the radar, and is certainly not something worth soiling over what’s left of the tauren lore. Not to mention that nothing in lore or story supports Highmountain warlocks. The Nightborne having them doesn’t support it either.

As for my earlier comment, I apologize if I came off as rude. I meant no disrespect.

Have a great day as well!

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Did anyone say ‘subfactions and unexplored racial minorities’?

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Actually, am I the only one finding it amusing that the same person who thinks that the Shen’dralar Highborne are not to be considered part of the Night Elven society despite of their race tag (plus the quests stating they negotiated their return to Teldrassil of course) would at the same time support the addition of warlocks for the Highmountain Taurens despite their CURRENT kill-on-sight relationship with the Grimtotem based on the fact that they ‘might’ work out their differences with them in the future?

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I dont know why u count weapon recolors as unique model and didnt count armour recolors as unique :rofl:

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[Racial Identity in 10.0]

Twitter goes

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I think I’d rather see the current, core areas of each race be given the time to truly shine. So rather than wasting efforts on things such as Nightborne Druids, we look at the Duskwatch and the Nighthunters and truly see what it means to be a Nightborne Hunter.

Then obviously we get more from the Shal’dorei Magisters and Warriors. Nightborne Priests, Warlocks, Monks, Death Knights etc - they come along for the ride but they aren’t the core focus.

Same goes for the Blood Elves, who have a 3 clear sectors (Paladin, Mage, Hunter) and the other classes just fit around them. I think I’d prefer racial focus to truly dive into what it means to be a Blood Knight, Magister and Farstrider.

Draeneis were the first warlocks before Zandalari and Orcs

I can agree with the Draeneis being the warlock,maybe all races can be warlocks,they aren’t bound to fel but demon hunters do

How never?it must not be never,because it will ever happen for next or 2 next expansions,just like about allied races Vrykul, and then vulperas getting diaper transmog,it must be happening

I yelled to Blizzard so much to agree with themselves because i was angry once Diaper gnomes (Mechagnomes) became an allied race

I like the idea of quests for each race in WoW, however if they took this on board as an idea it wouldn’t be until at least 2 expansions down the road before we saw this.

Why do you think so?

I think that this would b a great theme for an expansion.

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How about more heritage armor sets too :frowning:

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that’s the problem, probably, they already done it.

The focus in Legion was the class, not the race of the character.

The heritage sets we got in the past were a step in that direction, but as far as I know we haven’t gotten race-specific questlines as a main expansion feature ever since the original starting areas were created?

then you have to wait until 19th and see if they were on your same page.

Today is the day!

So we will find out soon enough. :wink:

With the way Blizzard / American companies in general operate - I don’t think we’ll be getting a racial pride / identity focus.

Somebodies will keep telling other somebodies the “r” word and it will be never ending.

As much as I so want a racial identity / pride focus, I’m doubtful just because this is an American game…
Just imagine how amazing it would be to see what it means to be a Draenei Crystal-Arcanist or a Blood Elven Blood Mage (via a Blood Elf Mage and Warlock.)

That is, indeed, one major bug with this proposal. :joy:

Then again, there are ways to rephrase and adapt concepts. Character customization for instance made the wow races prettier without any need to focus on the term ‘race’.

I’m no marketing genius and just went for the most straightforward word, but I am certain their marketing department would come up with something better if need be.

As for exploring what being a Draenei Crystal Arcanist means… indeed, that would be lovely. :purple_heart:

It such a shame because I think they could sell this idea, because people love the races they play. Why not make everyone feel amazing for their race of choice?

If you play a Lightforged Draenei Paladin, then you are made to feel that you are a beacon of the Light.
If you play a Night Elf Mage, then you are made to feel like you were indeed one of those revered by Queen Azshara and that you also hail from Eldre’Thalas.
If you play a Blood Elf Warlock, then you are made to feel the powers of Fel and what it means to also be a Blood Mage.

(And my last one) if you play a Draenei Hunter, then you are made to feel like you were part of this fierce organisation, once known as the Rangari.

They need to get away from this “how will people on Twitter feel.” Sod the people on Twitter who probably don’t play. Do it for the real fans who actually want WoW to succeed.

Maybe, they could take the Torghast feature, but apply it for racial dungeons with heavy interaction with lore characters.
So Draenei players go to Auchenai Crypts to deal with a Void threat
Night Elf players go to Blackfathom Deeps.
Human players go to the Deadmines
Forsaken players go to Scarlet Monastry: GY and Cath
Blood Elf players go to the Botanica / Mechenar.

Within those racial dungeons, are cosmetic items and transmog. Not anything that is mandatory.
Obviously not every race/class combo can have a dungeon, but it can work for the races in general.

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I’d be into the idea of Nightborne Demon Hunters, would be cool to have a third race to play as a demon hunter