I wanted to bring attention to this topic about the power differences of racials in WoW. I’m not gonna turn this into a wholly mathematical topic where I do a numerical analysis on each racial/class combinations to see how they would perform in each specific role/situation(you can do that yourself or maybe find a post on the internet if you’re interested).
I want to be able to enjoy my class and perform well in the race I want (eg. a blood elf fire mage), but the power difference between racials is too big. For example, imo Blood Elf racials are extremely weak compared to some other races. Like, if I become a Troll I will get a 10% haste buff for 12 sec on 3min cd. That is actually huge when you think about it(or don’t think and just look at the numbers). Compare this to BE racial which does an aoe dispel. Or ONE percent crit chance. Or just look at the insane racials of new allied races which are like SO much stronger than some other racials it’s not even fair. Look at Mechagnome racials they’re ridiculously strong like what’s the point? I get that Blizz wants players to play the new races and giving them extremely strong racials gives an incentive to play them, but the power difference is too big. Zandalari trolls can regenerate HUNDRED percent of their health like idek… Vs 1% crit chance for elves.
In short: Buff the racials of some races and/or nerf the racials of some others. Thank you. I don’t wanna race change into Troll just for a racial.
I believe you’re coming at this from a PVE standpoint and not a PVP? For PVP you’re right races are very unbalanced but for PVE races are actually very well balanced. I don’t give props to Blizzard for much but racial balancing in PVE is something I personally think they’ve done very well.
I don’t think simming patchwerk is a realistic way to look at it. Bosses are not training dummies, you move a lot, do different complex mechanics, you save some cds and sometimes waste some others, so there’s never 100% efficiency in what you’re doing in a given encounter.
pretty much this. our very casual guild killed nc normal/hc and 99% of the people dont care which race is the best, they just play what they like, same with covenants.
You’re right that sims aren’t fool proof, but they’re as close as we can get.
If you’re at the level where your racial ability make a big impact on your performance then you’re utilizing everything as well as humanly possible anyways. Minimizing the downtime is what separates a mythic raider from an average Joe.
On hectic add cleave the difference is very minimal also.
I’ve used Icy-Veins for years, back in the day it would always say go Troll, go Orc, today it says:
All races are very close in DPS, and it generally does not matter what race you play.