Racials need to be gone or reworked

The best option for me would be to turn them into big CDs ( like in tera online where they were on 30 min - 1 hour CD).

bro nobody asked for your 1.8xp of 20 seasons opinion my man.
like seriously you’re in every thread giving out freebies like you’re some sort of PvP philosopher yet the easiest season got you progressing 50 rating above your average rating.
You got 0 view over what you’re citicizing.
Its a patient trying to prescribe pills to a doctor.
How did this even cross your mind ? 1 hour cd for a racial ? Literally not even teleport items have above 15min cd.
If classes are tuned properly Racials wont impact the game as much though i wager they dont really impact it even now.
WoW has a playerbase of 30 year olds, nobody has interrest playing a 3 hump troll that cant wear boots to cover its ugly toes even if its life depended on it.
Neither anybody wants to be a loli furry.
Elves represent culturally better the Europian person too.
People dont just play elves for the Shadowmeld.
And forcing people to play something else via nerfing Meld is bad game design santiment that for some reason is popular right now.

Go take a chill pill.
Dont overdose redbull, didn’t your parents Teach you?

Just make shadow meld not work in mythic+ give NE something else in return.

Makes fun of someone else’s in-game scores, while posting on a lvl 18 character. Good choice of self-own.
As for the rest of your gibberish - elves by far are not more representative of anyone but yourself and your personal fantasies.
Dwarves, gnomes, orcs, trolls and ogres are just as representative of this mythical “european person”. The fact that some of those were given foreign characteristics (like Jamaican accent for trolls) does not diminish their origin.
Also the fact that you see vulpera as “loli furries” speaks loudly about your personal state of mind, to which I would recommend seeking professional help.
And yes, META chasers and sweatlords absolutely play elves and dwarves for the racials, but those are minority. Those that mindlessly ape them are just that.
Edit: And trolls absolutely have shoe options nowadays, though few mogs match them

No take CANDLE

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Counter offer:

Keep racials as they are but buff the obviously underwhelming ones.

Then reduce the CD of the Atomic Recalibrator to 1hr or 30minutes or something like that.

Thank me later.

Even if you buff other racials damage or effect by 300% they will never be as good as dwarf and NE

Dwarf can nullify a dot every 2 minutes, night elf can negate a spell targeting them or cancel a boss mechanic alltogether.

Do you plan to buff well fed buff from pandare. Or zandalari regen? Doesnt matter because it wont help you more than those 2 racials

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Correct, it’s not meant to erase the issue
 just to ease it.

I’m aware of that. Shadow Meld has been used for decades to negate multiple effects like Storm Bolt or Death Coil, etc in PvP.

You can also just entirely rework them but honestly, you’re focusing way too much on the “buff racials” part here.

I just added that for good measure, lol.

The quint essence of my post is to just reduce the CD of Atomic Recalibrator to a low enough CD so you can have an uptime of 100%.
With that, you could just choose the race with the best racial (if you care about min/maxing), while looking like the race you want to look like.

Ye that would be nice, or choose a racial but that would be weird to be an human with infinite breathing .

Not sure how they can fix that, even if i do low keys the dwarf racial is amazing it help a lot.

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I honestly don’t think they could really balance this properly. The dwarf racial is one thing and could maybe be fixed by increasing the CD or reducing the types of dots/debuffs it can remove but Shadow Meld is on another level.

They can just either make it useless or keep it the way it is.

I’m also pretty sure they won’t let you just freely choose any racial because that would be, as you’ve said, kinda weird and counter RPG-like.

And tbf most of the racials are not relevant to the vast majority of the playerbase other than being a cool RPG element. Your average Joe won’t do a Shadow Meld skip or negate a boss nuke with it. That’s min/maxing probably the top 5% of the playerbase actually utilize I’d reckon.

Your average Joe probably also won’t dispel a bleed or curse with Stoneform. Why? Because they don’t even use their actual spells to dispel themselves. Most players probably don’t even know or remember that they have that racial, let alone remember to use it in the heat of the moment.

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This is not really my concern. You are talking about like few % of playerbase. For majority of playerbase racials means nothing in this very hard end game content. Because majority of us cannot and do not abuse these tiny details to it’s maximum potential.

However something that affects ALL of us, is the difference between racials overall out there on daily basis.
Many old races have old racials, boring racials.
The Earthen and Dark Iron Dwarves for example have so funny racials for exploring, for moving faster in dungeons, for proffessions, better tanking.
These are racials i would love to have on my Draenei aswell. I love Gift of the Naaru, on my Prot Warr these heals can heal my teammate to max health because the racial scales with my max HP. But i would also like to get additional materials during farming, i would love to move faster in dungeons. I would love to have bonus Versa like Kul Tiran.

So i agree Racials overall needs some big rework.

Buff racials, more racials and class specific racials!
Everything is so balanced and boring. Give me flavour, fun and silly tools.

Make it rather so all these things be deactivated in m+ and rated pvp!

For me, mop remix was great fun, as my little gobo every once in a while could turn into this little ball of lightning and blast everything to death, fun times!
They removed all the fun little flavour things over the years that made wow an RPG, like skilling your poison, having bullets or arrows, ahnks, and light feathers for slowfalling.

It is now mostly a lobby game, sitting around in a city waiting for queues to pop, so many people playing the flavour of the month class, specc, race combo.

They can have this cleancut balance act nothing special everyone is basicly the same in rated content.

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I pass through Dornogal regularly to travel between whilst I do my thing, and it always amazes me how many people are just sat around in Dornogal not playing the game. I know that this has been the case for a long time (Valdrakken/Great Seal/Dalaran and earlier) but it does seem like poeple are mostly just waiting in the hubs a lot.

I agree about the flavour and also adding more racials and buffing the existing ones. I don’t think the answer should ever be ‘my thing isn’t as good as yours so I want yours taken away’.

Easier solution is them designing their content so racials are not dominant at all.

They’re meant to be flavour nothing more.

The only people whinging about this are the people that take the game too seriously anyway. And tbh they’re not worth listening to when it comes to game design.

I find it odd too, how many seem to be playing for the lobby, i personally see no fun in the minmaxing lobby gameplay, but then i also do know that i am not that kinda skilled player that 0.5% buff in something actually matter
 but all online games seem to suffer the same, in any moba they pick the character that has the numbers, in fps, a gun is 0.2% better, oh well gotte choose that one! I guess i just dont have that winner mindset and settles for fun

But then the same people would say, winning and being the best is the fun! And that is fair too, i just wonder how we would or should balance it, i personally think the best would have the rpg aspects removed from rated content.

And then open world tauren could have like “size matters” where they could oneshot / just stump smaller enemies.
Forsaken is very weak to light attacks, but take reduced physical and immune to poisons.
So on so forth

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I would prefer that they lean more into the RPG aspects as well with these racials. I play the game to be in the world and to feel like a part of its story, and whilst I don’t RP (yet), I do like to create a little story in my head and I love the class/race fantasy.

It might sound stupid, but I love the fact that as a Dark Iron, my racial makes me into a raging fiery demon master for a few seconds. It just feels neat when these guys have the Gift o’ Ragnaros. I will say that the 4% speed boost indoors is awesome but it does make sense also when you think about the backgrounds of DI Dwarves.

It’s an area that they could explore since they kind of nailed the visuals with a lot of the hero talents.

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Half year ago you were saying they are fine, yet, even in DF dwarf racial was very valuable even in low keys

Yeah, but half a year ago you could cheese some mechanics ONCE with racials. They were still strong, but not as strong. And racials were not powerfull enough to kill bosses for you. You still neded skills to survive the 20 more times the boss does that mechanic.

With this dungeon pool you got more mechanics that truck, especially in trash packs.

So we went from using Nelf and Dwarf racials ONCE every boss (3/4 times in the whole dungeon) to on CD because there is always something to cheese, so 20 times (40 min dungeon).

How could you cheese bleed in NL