Rage Normalization - Whats the problem?

Im no warrior player, i never have played one.

Only a question to our Warrior Mains:

Whats the Problem of Rage normalization?

From what ive seen, it seems that the classic way of Rage escalates like a flywheel, so it benefits you the most when you are a Juggernaut, but if not, you are basically useless in raids?

Prefer rage normalization. Rather not be bad 95% of the game

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I’ve said it before many times, rage normalisation is the only solution to warriors.

There is a reason it was put in, and it will be put in for SOD at 60.


I find it really mind blowing that people ask for that. IMHO that would not help, that would ruin the class. Warrior was and should be one of those classes that requires skill to play, you need to adapt to situations based on your rage and plan ahead in a way that leads to a victorious encounter against other classes, a well deserved one based on skill.

The issue with warriors right now is that they die too fast, they die fast enough to not have time to generate enough rage and they lack the hit rating other classes have.

IMHO the way to fix warriors would be an easy, basic 3 step method :

  • Increase the HP of the PvP set drastically (maybe double it, or close to that - play with some numbers and test it)
  • Change one of the runes in arms spec to actually grant some hit rating, or give a rune for that - I can see huge difference between my rank 7 warrior with 3% hit (PvP set + PvP trinket) and 7% hit for my rogue buddy with same gear. If we swap the PvP trinket out I end up with 4% hit while he ends up with 8% hit (double). - Having that gnomeregan mail belt for +3 swords skill should not be a solution for lvl 50 pvp.
  • Change few of the spells to not get parried or to not miss, like execute for example, having execute miss or get parried is a huge middle finger for warriors, ending in all rage being dumped for no damage or at times being dumped for like 300-400 damage, is enough that we get plenty of rage starvation while our hits get absorbed by shields.

More HP and more hit rating would fix half the issue, the rage generation we got now is supposed to work for the old damage we used to receive. Now with the new damage we don’t survive long enough to generate the rage anyway. More HP would also help at grinding, you can even add a rune for healing in the open world and disable it in the battlegrounds. If more HP turns warrior too OP in the BGs you can always change the HP buff to reduce the amount of healing by X amount in the future to easily balance it out.

Another good thing which maybe should be 4th point on the list above would be cheaper battle shout and commanding shout, costing less rage and lasting for few minutes longer. That way you won’t have to spend you first 20 rage on 2 minutes buffs as soon as you engage and end up with no rage for next few seconds. Gaining more rage from Bloodrage would also help greatly.

But overall my honest opinion is that no rage normalization would help, would just ruin warrior entirly.


It’s not a classic mechanic, it’s a Cataclysm mechanic.

SoD is new abilities, not new mechanics.

Yes, Cataclysm was re-working classes. It’s incidentally one of the most hated expansions ever made, go figure.

You have no evidence to support that claim.

It’s not a “problem” however it would necessitate a massive balance pass on basically every single skill in the warrior’s toolkit and a redesigning of many restrictions like stance swapping etc. Without these necessary steps, the class would simply stop functioning at a fundamental level.

And I am sorry but after seeing how hard Blizzard failed to design Warrior runes for THREE consecutive phases, after ACKNOWLEDGING that Warrior scaling will be out of control in pve at 60 and proceeding to only add scaling runes, I do not expect them in the slightest to bother with basically remaking the class from scratch, because that’s what rage gen standardization done right would entail.

Rage normalization = Good
Rage normalization how Blizzard will likely handle it = Will effectively delete the class from the game.


Rage Normalisation in a classic context is a straight up nerf to warriors. All this talk during Phase 1 and 2 about how warriors shouldnt complain about being in a bad state because they will be the best at level 60, all that goes out the window with Rage Normalisation.

It works in retail, less rage required to do damage, no need to be “Hit capped” etc.

In SoD we will be powerful with the current rage set up as we can basically start phase 4 with a good hit % boost from phase 5 gear, and at this point in SoD I dont care about new abilities, bit too late for that, now I want my big numbers and rage normalisation takes that away. If they had started SoD this way then maybe it would be fine now, but it is just too late.

We would need more than just a few new abilities to counter the difference in Damage output to balance the difference in rage generation.
We also need full rescaling of gear, without higher rage generation from critting, agility will be less useful for warriors, stacking strength will be much better, but the available gear wont reflect this.

Arms has been viable in PvE for SoD which I’ve loved, but without big crits = big rage, Arms will become unviable again.

There is a whole host of issues that would need to be fixed for it to work similar to retail. Not to mention the impact lower rage generation will have on Warrior Tanks even more than DPS warriors. Fury tanking will be unviable and Deep Prot tanking will just be a low DPS version of any other tank, it will be phase 2 all over again.

My advice, at this point just leave it alone, all rage normalisation will do is make warrior players quit, and what is the point in that?

What is this even?
Rage generation from hits no longer depends on the damage it is only depending on weapon speed?

1.6s speed weapon generates 8 rage on hit and 16 on crit?
2.8s weapon generates 14 on hit and 28 on crit or something like that?

In retail warrior makes fun but is nothing special anymore. I guess warriors k ow that they can get OP with gear and that’s what they like (including me). It makes fun and that’s why you spend so much in the most expensive class by far.

-higher repair costs
-horrible leveling
-blacksmithing and engi is crazy expensive
-enchants are crazy expensive
-consumes are crazy expensive
-no chance against any other class in 1vs1
-mediocre to no dmg without gear
-okish dmg with BiS gear but still you need to -
eat after each mob
+++++ but RAiDing is Fun!!!

This is the view from a priest + warrior main. If you spend so much on getting there you want something in return. And it’s pretty much just raid logging.

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They could always add a warrior specific aura that detects when you enter raids and it can nerf your damage a little, that way we would not have to suffer in PvP because of rage normalization. I suffer since phase1 waiting for phase4 to PvP a lot and aim for another rank14, I would not play warrior anymore if rage normalization would be a thing in the same formula it was done in Cataclysm.

There must be other means and/or solutions to balancing warrior in PvE without touching the rage system or ruining PvP completely and I say that while agreeing that is broken in raiding atm.

Warriors dont want to be balanced, they want to be overpowered.

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Really I see suggestions and comments here that show how much warriors thing themselves as special. You need rage normalization. Otherwise you will end up broken. Nothing else.

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Warriors won’t be any more overpowered in SoD than they are in normal classic/vanilla, they basically haven’t been changed. Other classes will just be closer due to runes making them much more powerful.

Rage Normalisation will put Warrior tanks out of commission and put warrior DPS at the bottom of the meters.

This isn’t a topic of “Balance” this is a topic of whether or not blizzard should kill warriors off for good in SoD.

You can be annoyed about it all you want, but whats the point of killing off an entire class? There are better ways to bring warrior inline if they wanted balance. At this point we are just asking if blizzard should further reduce the total player count in a game mode already suffering from a low enough player count to need to merge servers.


Yeah as mention it would be horrible for tanks with rage normalization.
And dw is still pretty bad with rage if you get unlucky if you miss alot.
And if they added “less rage” will they change consume by rage to lower rage requirement? Beacuse even now it takes time to build up 80 rage to proc and would be worse if we get even less rage.
Also most of the player base are not even top dps as warrior its really the top 1% players.
And right now warriors havent been an issue taking all spots in a raid. Most classes is still wanted in a raid comp and if you wipe and die in a raid you wont see the high numbers anymore. You got classes like melee hunters that can deal 1k without wbs. Warriors just cant.
Outside raid settings solo is just miserable with farming mobs etc.

That’s another good point, all of this is just pointing at raiding. In SoD, Warriors can’t do much in the open world as it is really punishing and we rely on cooking/food and first aid just to keep moving at all.

In PvP we don’t stand a chance, most of the time we get living bombed from a mile away and can never charge so we have no rage to open with.

In phase 1 warriors where only useful if you got the epic sword, which having raided every reset I never even saw drop.
In phase 2 we had no chance with the high armour values and warrior tanks where terrible.
In phase 3 we are generally in a good position but not the best still and that is only at the top end, the average warrior player is below average damage. Just to compete every button on my bars is a Macro and I have to stance dance constantly to keep up with other melee classes like rogues and melee hunters.

Phase 4 warriors will be no better off than they always have been while every other class is more powerful than ever. And we will still suck in the open world and PvP. Also no one is out here making 40 man raid groups with 30 warriors, we are not stealing spots from anyone else.

A huge amount of fundamental changes not only to the warrior class, but also the game mechanics and available gear would need to be done to support rage normalisation with out it being a straight up nerf with no benefits. And given the SoD team at most will give us 1 or 2 more runes to compensate, there is just no way this will work out.

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The only one thinking is special here, and might be dead right (in a different way though) is you.

We are not giving out opinions here, we are laying down facts. Rage normalization already happen once in TBC and ruined warriors for the entire expansion and that was with better scaling items and stats compared to SoD, unless you plan to make Tier1 be similar to tier 6 stats wise = dead warrior class.

Classic is where warrior was allowed to shine. If this was built around TBC I would agree with the changes. But this is built around classic/vanilla.

This is all very cheerful stuff to hear as a fresh lvl 50 war

How are you guys finding tanking and what spec /stance do you use?

Well, but in tbc wars were god of pvp, isnt that what wars want now?

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You had the talents, spell reflect, gear and other things that eventually made warrior good in TBC PvP, such as arena resilience gear, good health regeneration and many other things. It was not the rage normalization that made it that way.

You can always google those things, get a talent calculator for classic and one for TBC and compare, then compare spells and gear. Hope it helps you get to a conclusion.

Warriors were top dps in p1, like, super higher than all other classes. Like 85 out of the 100 top dps were warriors.

Trump would call your post fake news (and rightfully so).

The reason warriors were not top dps in p2 was too much armor (which is why all physical damage classes were bad in p2).

That extra armor is gone in p3 and guess who is at the top again?