Saw this topic in USA forum. I think it would be nice what we europeans wish also.
3% Haste buff
Also would make AMZ baseline and put Gorefiend’s gasp talents into class talent tree to all DK be able take it.
I don’t care what, just give us SOMETHING.
I’ve played Cata recently and it felt good to have raid/dungeon utility as a DK omg.
The horn feels like a true team buff and either Icy talon or that UH debuff make you feel useful as a DK.
Not saying it was better before though, for all the complaining we do, today’s gameplay is much more interesting than back then overall, but there are still great things that we lost, these buffs in particular.
Sham got a raid buff, so I’m hopeful we’ll eventually get one too.
Yeah. In my opinion if almost all classes have it then everybody should have it. Buff Hunter raid buff, other classes also could have some adjusments, but DK definatly should have it.
Maybe some dev in Ion’s raid team is going to play dk one day and they’re going to realise that this class needs a deeper looking at.
As for raid buff, there are so many options, especially if we use auras themed around our specs.
- UH aura, essentially a version of plaguebringer but as a raid buff for everyone. Makes all ticking dots on the target hurt more.
- Frost aura, makes critical strike damage bonus
- Blood aura, gives some sort of bonus to absorb shields and extra leech. Could be like the og vampiric aura from the dreadlord hero unit from WC3 too.