Raid Difficulty 10/25

So I’ve had some problem with the dungeon difficulty. When I’ve entered Naxxramas 25, I didn’t touch any bosses and I didn’t touch any mobs at all in there. I then stepped outside and changed the difficulty to 10-man and re-entered. But as I enter, I see the text in the chat; “Welcome to Naxxramas 25-man”.
I did try this with Obsidian Sanctum aswell, since I wanted to get the mounts from Satharion. Did it on 25-man first, I stepped outside and changed the difficulty to 10-man. But as I entered the dugeon is all cleared.

So as for the Naxxramas, since I didnt touch anything, how come that it doesn’t change?

And when it comes to the OS raid - Is it some installment that you can only do one specific dungeon per week, no matter which difficulty you do?

I’m very confused on how this works or doesn’t work.

Older raids worked differently to how they do now. That is if you did a raid on 25 man, then your locked to 25 man for that week and can’t do 10 man and vica versa. You could only have a single raid ID for each raid, each week.

Okay. That kind of sucks. But I don’t really understand how 10-man and 25-man shares the same Raid-ID since they aren’t the same.
But if it is as you say that I can only do Naxxramas once and I have to choose if I want to do it on 10 or 25 man.
But as I wrote is also that time when I didn’t touch anything and it still didn’t want to change to 10-man when I went out and re-entered.
I just wish I could find a solid information from Blizzard about how this works.

Its pretty lame to have more than 1 difficulty for any content to be honest.
It only serves to reduce value of the content and therefore immediate and long term enjoyment of the ingame world in general.

Every instance should have have 1 difficulty like the original game. And have easier and harder instances.

But i noticed your issue myself today with ICC. Maybe they removed the 10man versions?

Yeah. It kinds of ruins the fun with gathering old content set pieces.
But I noticed today that if you set you raid to 10-man and enter it actually allows you to do 10-man. So that means that it has to be some kind of mechanic that doesn’t allow you do to old content raid more than once every reset. So you have to be carefull which one you do, depending on what set you wanna go after.

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