Raid finder is part of the Cataclysm experience

… and seriously, I need it.

Cataclysm, MOP and even WOD were the best period of my Warcraft experience, and after all these years I realize that it wouldn’t have been a full experience without LFR. Dragon Soul LFR was especially cool, queueing for all wings and experiencing Deathwing’s fall. Perhaps I wouldn’t have bothered back in 2011-2012 if not for LFR.

Bring it back please.


World of Warcraft®: Cataclysm Classic is a game for dedicated and elite players now that doesnt need LFR! But they offer carries in GDKPs for casual people who want to experience the content, you just need to buy a few wow tokens first from blizzard (You do that via the ingame AH, theres a separate tab called Wow Token, just click on that) and sell them for gold! 2-3 tokens at 20€ each should give you around 100k gold and then you will easily get a full raid experience carry in one of the mid to upper tier gdkps out there!

I hope this answered your question :slight_smile: Cheers! Good luck and best wishes.

Removing LFR proves one more that they can’t code roperly their own game. Cap

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it’s not that they’ve removed it, they tried to “improve” it and something went wrong

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Poor soul.

Lack of the raid finder is a big disappointment for me. I’ve been waiting Dragon Soul raid since the release of Cata classic to play it in LFR. Instead of delivering controversial things like the new auction house, I wish the developers spent their efforts on delivering the game as it was back in the days.