I got not addons on yet my party frames always gets extremely glitched while in bgs, dungeons and raids. as soon as 1 person leave (sometimes no one haves to leave) the whole ui is extremely glitched. Some people stack on top of each other or i click 1 person but it targets someone completely else etc.
its been like this for months if not a year or more and its really annoying at this point
If you are having any issues with your UI, the best course of action is to simply reset it to its defaults
Players joining and leaving raids while you are in combat has made default raid frames glitch out for MULTIPLE EXPANSIONS. It’s been broken for years, not months.
I have tried that already its a general issue with the frames. I tried without and with addons and it glitches in every single bg i do because people leave or join late etc its really frustrating
Years later and this is still an issue.