Hi, it seens that just recently my UI has started to show raid type icons over the top of the “?” icon or “!” icon on relevant NPC’s ie most quest givers on return have the question mark but over the top have the yellow diamond icon from the raid list. How can I stop this? I have tried loading the game with no add ons but it still happens.
Forget the exact option name its something like interact icons.
I have looked in the options for every instance of the word “interact” but I can’t find anything that is turned on. I’d attach a screenshot but I don’t know how to on this forum, the icons are starting to get irritatingly intrusive, I am getting little skull icons over the top of certain NPC’s as well now.
This is how the icons look in game. Sorry I am Kodachi but the forum seems to have chosen that for posting, I changed it to my main.
Your screenshot wouldn’t load so I’m just going to assume I’m on the right track.
Accessibility > General > Interact Key Icons (2nd from the bottom)
Thank you for your help so far, I’ve done that but it still shows the icons. To show the link, double click it till it all turns blue then right click it and pull down to Go To Https://…
New link to open options panel with icon…
you must not have the url public or something, try uploading it to https://imgur.com/ or some other image sharing site.
Try this
or this one
Maybe this will work?? https://i.imgur.com/yI94noq_d.jpg?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high
I seem to be losing posts…odd. Anyway try this for the pic
or my Instagram
Ok, that’s got to be an addon or weakaura, my guess would be weakaura.
It appears that using the “disable all addons” while the char is up doesn’t give you a totally clean interface. If I disable all at the warband screen then it’s gone so that told me it’s an addon. If I load up Zygor alone the icon comes back but disabling Zygor doesn’t make it go away. I have to load without Zygor from the get go to not see this issue.
Next port of call Zygor forums to ask how to get rid of this… doing my head in
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